Today's Guest

As you may remember, I'm trying out a new format for 2018 with quarterly co-hosts, and my fabulous co-host for Q1 is Joanna Hennon, who has previously been a guest on the show. You can find her on episodes 86, 158, and 178.

Today, we talk about how much transformation we can actually expect from doing transformation work. We're both big fans of personal development, transformational work, and mindset work, and Joanna has just returned from the PSYCH-K Basic Workshop, which I did almost five years ago. I always say my life is Before PSYCH-K and After PSYCH-K, and in this episode we talk about why this kind of work is so powerful and life-changing.


We Ask These Questions: What are these transformational tools that we speak of, and how do they work? What does transformation actually mean? Why isn't everyone who uses these tools rich and successful? Is there really such a thing as a quick fix? What about non-spiritual people who are successful? How do they make it happen without doing transformational work? Is there a danger in doing too much transformational work? Is big transformation actually possible? How often do we need to do transformational work? Are we ever really done with this kind of work?


More About Joanna Hennon

Joanna is a #SoulSmart Success Mentor - she helps people to easily create more success  by using the wisdom and power we all have access to at soul level. Living life from a place of soul power, in tune with your higher self and your Guides, and using the Law of Attraction with intention will literally change your life! To get started, grab one of these free resources:


Listen to this episode


  What You’ll Learn How to create real transformation from using transformational tools and doing mindset work What's really possible when you do transformational work Examples of what real transformation looks like Why transformation work isn't enough, and what you need to do alongside it How to manage your expectations when doing transformation work Why you need to commit and make it a habit (and what that looks like) Things We Discussed EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) PSYCH-K NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) Heart-centered Energy Work Cara Wilde Muscle testing Connect with Joanna Website Facebook Twitter Pinterest How to Subscribe Click here to subscribe via iTunes Click here to subscribe via RSS Click here to subscribe via Stitcher Help Spread the Word

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