Today’s Guest

It's no surprise that today's guest was a joy to interview! Lynn Hord and I had loads of fun talking about JOY and how to make your business more joyful. This isn't just one of those uplifting, motivational'll get super practical tips on how to add more joy to your life and business today.

About Lynn Hord

Lynn Hord, aka The Joy Lady, is a woman who believes that joy is a choice, not an outcome.

Her mission is to share what she knows about living a wildly joyful life with as many people as she can reach, so they too can  choose joy as a way of life, and know the feeling is within their reach - and their control.

As a certified coach, Lynn works with entrepreneurs to create businesses they love and that support them leading their ultimate joyful life. She also has a passion for relationships and works with women to forge intimate, nurturing, joyful bonds with their loved ones. She helps her clients through workshops, VIP intensives and 1-2-1 coaching.

When she’s not out spreading the joy, you’ll find this Australian lass filling her own joy bank with visits to the best coffee shops in London, spending quality time with friends while exploring the countryside, and taking some downtime with her boxset of the moment (currently House of Cards - Kevin Spacey rocks!)

Listen to this episode

What You’ll Learn

Lynn's top tips on how to put the joy back into your business
Why putting joy on hold is bad for business
The one question to ask to dissolve overwhelm and make better decisions
Three ways to bring more fun into your working day NOW
How to spot the joy in your life today

Things We Discussed

Marie Kondo book
The Joy of Business workshop 

Inspiring Women

Catherine Watkin 
Denise Duffield-Thomas  


Connect with Lynn

Free ecourse: Five Secrets to a Wildly Joyful Life

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