Today’s Guest

I'm super excited to introduce today's guest, Amy Humphries. Amy is a recent discovery for me...I recently heard of her through two different people, and then we actually met in the real (offline!) world. I love her style and I love what she teaches, and I knew I wanted to get her on the show. Amy shares some super practical tips on how to hot wire your business so you can make regular 5 figure months.

About Amy Humphries

Amy Humphries is an ex professional sailor turned online marketing strategist who helps healers, coaches & consultants to stop tiptoeing around their zone of genius so they can lead the pack and make bank online. Her speciality is in helping entrepreneurs to create processes that do the selling for them, establishing their authority and helping them create regular 5-figure months.

Listen to this episode

What You’ll Learn

Amy's top tips on how to regularly achieve 5 figure months
How anxiety helped Amy launch her business
Why you need to hire yourself
How to connect the dots of your heightened experiences (and why that's so important)
Why you need to hang your hat on something (and what that means)

Things We Discussed

Big Magic

Inspiring Women

Denise Duffield-Thomas 
Mary Morrissey 
Elizabeth Gilbert

Connect with Amy

Website 1
Website 2

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