Today’s Guest
I'm very excited to share this week's episode with you! I first met today's guest, Zoe Richards, in Denise Duffield-Thomas's Lucky Bitch group. I heard so many amazing things about her coaching from people within the group that I knew I had to have her as a guest on the show.


About Zoe Richards

Zoe achieves results with her clients that  are visible on the bottom line. She consistently increases turnover by 100-200% within weeks of working with her and reduces costs by as much as $80k pa, improving productivity and profits through her pragmatic approach.

As the creator of The Sales Map which features heavily in her self study programme, 28 Days to Your Best Month in Business Zoe helps business owners make a difference to their business month after month. She delivers powerful and inspirational talks  and is equally comfortable at small networking events or in front  of large audiences as your  keynote speaker. She is the award winning author of the ebook 100 Lessons I Wish I'd Learned Sooner as a Photographer in Business, a regular columnist for national magazines and is often featured on local radio.

Following a corporate career that  took  her to senior management in HR, alongside running a retail business and being on the board of a local radio station, Zoe transitioned into entrepreneurship, owning a successful photography studio as well as being a business strategist and coach. She now  runs  her coaching business, Success Revolution, full-time alongside managing her online programmes,

Contact Zoe by email at [email protected]


What You’ll Learn

Zoe's top tips on how to have your best month in business
Why you need to drop the word "ever," and what to say instead
How to create business rules to live by
Zoe's tips on how to use Periscope to get new clients and signups to your list
How learning stand up can help your business


Inspiring Women

Denise Duffield-Thomas
Amber Lily Strong
Maggie O'Carroll
Mary Coulter
Lynn Parker
Zoe's daughter


Things We Discussed

YouTube video, Why I Decided Not to Kill Myself
The Wonder Woman Pose
How to Make a Lemonade Life
Forever Living products and the C-9 Cleanse
Lucky Bitch Bootcamp


Connect With Zoe

Facebook Group



[R2B 108] Zoe Richards ~ How to Have Your Best Month in Business  #podcast

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