Today’s Guest
I'm so excited to introduce you to this week's guest, Nicci Bonfanti. We originally met at a Fabulous Women meeting last December, and since then we've had some fascinating talks about Wealth Dynamics and Talent Dynamics, which you'll learn more about in this week's episode. I've had both my Wealth Dynamics and Talent Dynamics profiles done, and the results have been vital in understanding who I am and how I work best in business. I highly recommend you take a look at Nicci's website and get your Talent Dynamics profile done if you haven't already.


About Nicci Bonfanti

After a long career in International Sales and Marketing, Nicci used her MBA to set up her Coaching and Training business which was put on hold when her daughter was born. But in the last 5 years she has revitalised that and now runs sales coaching courses for business owners and corporate sales training programmes with her company, Trusted Sales Dynamics. She also trains coaches to become Trusted Sales Consultants

Shortlisted for coach of the year in the Women Inspiring Women Awards 2015.

In her spare time she lecturers in Management for the Open University.

Please feel free to check her 60+ recommendations on Linkedin.


What You’ll Learn

Nicci's top tips on how to serve your clients through selling to them.
Why it's so important to be genuinely curious about what people actually need. 
Why The Challenger is the best type of salesperson, and what that means.
How this type of profiling can build confidence and belief in your talents. 
Why you're being rude when you don't tell people who you can serve them. Yes, rude.


Inspiring Women

Dr. Joanna Martin 
Susie Heath 


Connect With Nicci




[R2B 106] Nicci Bonfanti ~ How to Serve Your Clients Through Selling  #podcast

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