Today’s Guest
I'm very excited about this week's guest, Ann Wilson. I read her book, The Wealth Chef, earlier this year, and loved it so much. After years of knowing I needed to start investing (I've been self employed since 1999, so I've never had any kind of pension or 401k or anything like that), her book was the catalyst that finally got me to make the leap and start investing money. Ann is an expert on how to make your money work for you, so you're not just relying on your monthly income. We've had a lot of guests on this podcast who discuss the mindset aspect of money. Ann is here to talk about the practical bits.


About Ann Wilson

Multimillionaire Ann Wilson is known as ‘The Wealth Chef’.

Sought after money & wealth expert, speaker & author of ‘The Wealth Chef’ book -  Ann helps people all over the World become financially free by sharing her simple ‘recipes for wealth’.

Ann is an expert on how to improve your relationship with money; get out of debt; invest easily; and make your money work hard for you so you know with certainty that you will be able to stop working and not just survive but live a life you really love.

After 21 years in a very successful career as a Civil Engineer, working on large infrastructure projects around the world, Ann chose to leave the corporate world and use the financial freedom she had created to help others achieve the same in their lives.


What You’ll Learn

Ann's top tips on how to make your money work hard for you
Why you need to put on your financial oxygen mask first
Ann's five core recipes for wealth
Why money is just an ingredient in your wealth recipe
The importance of knowing what your money is doing


Things We Discussed

JFDI: Just Freakin' Destroy It 
The Wealth Chef book
Financial Freedom University ~ open 1st July

Connect With Natalia




[R2B 101] Ann Wilson ~ How to Make Your Money Work Hard For You  #podcast

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