Today's Guest

I had the pleasure of meeting today's guest on Leonie Dawson's Amazing Biz and Life Academy. We later met up in person when she was on holiday in London. I absolutely love her heart-centered approach to copywriting, and I love that she's taking her business on a new journey with a focus on introverts.

Tanja Gardner is a professional copywriter, word weaver and story sculptor at Crystal Clarity Copywriting Ltd.   She helps difference-makers like you write with concise, creative clarity that your readers intuitively “get”.  That means they understand EXACTLY what you offer – so you can make more of a difference in their lives.

What You'll Learn

When you can most benefit from getting help with copywriting
The dangers of trying to do it all yourself
Tanja's top tips for business owners who want to do their own copywriting

Inspiring Women in Business

Leonie Dawson
Danielle LaPorte
Rhiannon Llewellyn

Top Business Tools



Kate Logan Newbill for web development
Tina Robbins for VA services

Connect With Tanja

To connect with Tanja, say hello on Twitter or Facebook, or follow her blog.

Or, discover how to write a scannable web page that people actually read with her Make Your Web Page Crystal Clear guide. It’s completely FREE when you sign up for her short-‘n’-sweet fortnightly writing tips.

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