Hey you wild women!

My next guest is an ex-community college professor who accidentally started a business while on the tenure track. Now, as the CEO and co-founder of the Hello Audio software, which takes your content and creates private audio feeds to make learning on the go much  easier for your people, Dr. Lindsay Padilla challenges online industry norms of unfinished courses and unconsumed content with her product. 

All of her business ideas were born out of her tenure-track years teaching adults online at a community college, the ridiculous amount of learning she's done in all things education, and the years spent growing her course creation business online. 

In this episode you will learn about:

Where Lindsay is from (and why we think she is an honorary Canadian) Her favorite quote Why her mission is twofold: to create an amazing software company but also to be a badass female in tech What she considers to be her biggest business mistake The conversation that started her on her journey Why she originally didn’t want to be in tech Some of the common challenges in tech, especially for women How every step in her journey has lead her to where she is today  How she applies her past learning to her present day business


(19:00) What inspired you to start Hello Audio?

(22:36) Where did the courage come from to go from having a safe career to doing something completely different? 

(28:49) What are some of the common challenges you still see with women in tech?

Public Shoutouts:

Public Figure: Todd Herman Public Figure: Dan Martell Book: The Founder’s Dilemmas by Noam Wasserman Public Figure: Greg Smith, Thinkific Public Figure: Stu McLaren


Website: Hello Audio Facebook: @helloaudio.community Instagram: @drlindsaypadilla  Course: Oncoursesocial.com

What it means to be a wild woman:

“Being courageous and taking risks and being outside of the institution confines.” - Dr. Lindsay Padilla


Renée Warren is an award-winning entrepreneur, a 7-figure business starter, and the founder of We Wild Women, a business dedicated to helping women launch their dream business. She previously founded an industry-recognized PR agency that worked with funded technology startups from South Africa to San Diego.

She's a mom to Irish Twins (not planned), a published author, and a drummer.

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