Life isn't smooth sailing and doesn't prepare us for the unexpected or the inevitable. Sometimes, when we wake up we are not aware of what might strike us through the day. Whatever strikes could be sadness, betrayal, division, disappointment and loss. In a blink, life changes in a nanosecond and deals blows we don't expect neither prepared for. Tune in today's episode where this could be you in need of this word. Prophetess Paula Farlin teaches and encourages us with this word 'Slice of life when things happen to you.' There is Hope so don't lose Hope but let grief find you and through this let God pour his love and cement it into you. Meditate on Romans 15:13 (ESV) "May the God of Hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope." When life hurts we pray that you will keep your eyes fixed on Jesus, his truths so he can impart. Thank you for tuning in. Our hearts bleed to do more, to spread love more, reach more, educate more. Subscribe to our podcast and see how you can change a life and make a difference. We sincerely value your input.

Light and Grace, have a fulfilling week.