As you tune in today, may you reflect on days when your parents served with no complaints, no murmur but fully charged up and on fire for the Lord. How we serve today has become a somewhat high and mighty title thing, a favourite group member thing, a want to impress with emphasis on how much you tithe and in whose special social network you belong. According to Jesus the real heroes and the ones he values, are the people who help others. You will find individuals doing great work not seen nor heard but being a blessing to many and are discreet and who give of their time. May God give us a heart to serve others, not expecting anything in return, reward or to impress. In fact just last night I was sharing with another Pastor friend how my mother did mission work, and at a young tender age exposed me to the plight and hardship of others. She would teach and sing and her major premise was to serve. In fact they laid the foundation and without me knowing, carved a footprint for me today. And looking back what hard shoes to fill. My parents and mission group didn't reach out to gain recognition or to earn a prize on the contrary, they did so with a heartfelt desire to serve, thus molding those values into us. Now, its your and my turn but how we do, determines the condition of our hearts and are we willing to be used. Thus giving back has become a way of life. Because of my parents example, Into The Garden is a labour of love to reach one teach one empower one inspire one to dream, dare, do and become. We cannot do this on our own but thanks be to God, we get a long. So, our hearts bleed to do more, to spread love more, reach more, teach more and eradicate more. Subscribe to our podcast and see how you can change a life and make a difference. We sincerely value your input.

Light and Grace, have a fulfilling week.