Our final episode of the Internet Citizen podcast! We kick it off with a discussion of the Canadian comedy Letterkenny and a discussion of the long-running zombie game DayZ. Then we do a big-picture look back, reviewing what we’ve learned while doing the show: the trends we’ve witnessed, the surprises and takeaways from doing an … Continue reading IC 70: A New Era of The Internet

Our final episode of the Internet Citizen podcast!

We kick it off with a discussion of the Canadian comedy Letterkenny and a discussion of the long-running zombie game DayZ. Then we do a big-picture look back, reviewing what we’ve learned while doing the show: the trends we’ve witnessed, the surprises and takeaways from doing an Internet podcast for three years. Plus, one final Good Internet, Best Internet!

Thank you to our listeners for the thousands of downloads and the kind reviews over the years – doing this podcast has been a learning experience, a point of pride, and an absolute blast. I’m confident you’ll hear from us again some day on some other show! – Michael

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And on Twitter: @theinternetpod

You’ve Gotta See This (YGST)
This time: Letterkenny Season 1 (IMDb) (Hulu)

Gaming Corner
DOTA Autochess
Warcraft III
Persona series

Show Notes
Tiktok banned in India (Slate)
Musical.ly (Wikipedia)
Deepfake technology (Wikipedia)
Jordan Peele deepfake video of Barack Obama (The Verge)
Twitter as a “fresh horrors” device tweet
Disco Elysium

Good Internet, Best Internet
Michael’s Final Good: Recent Twitter fascination with “items that are actually made of cake – leading to a multi-day meme where people are like “what if we’re all cake” and eat the rich/guillotine memes
Randolf’s Final Good: r/PeopleFuckingDying – Reddit does it again with tongue-in-cheek “horror” posts (parent trades child for basic necessities, pack of wolves brutally mauls child to death)

Music by Jesse Steinmetz

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