Listen to the love story of Melissa (Lebanese) and Flip (Dutch).

Melissa and Flip first met in December 2013 in Istanbul. Flip was on a business trip and had a layover, Melissa was on vacation with some friends.

It's lovely how Flip describes the moment before he saw Melissa for the first time. Melissa and her friends caught his attention while he was enjoying the view of Hagia Sophia, watching the seagulls and having the feeling it might snow soon. "Suddenly I had the song ‚'Blue Sunday from The Doors' popping up"- Flip says, as he suddenly heard girls talking in 3 different languages he immediately knew that they are from Lebanon. Coincidentally, Flips' next flight is going to Beirut (Lebanon) the day after. 

As the girls approached him to ask if he could take a picture, he took the chance to ask for some recommendations and things to do while staying in Beirut. Melissa's friend Kristelle happened to film this moment – unsuspecting how this will affect the future of Melissa and Flip.

They exchanged numbers and agreed to see each other again once Flip arrives in Beirut. All of them got together a few days later and once they said 'Goodbye' Flip had a strong feeling when thinking about Melissa. On his way back home he wrote a poem for her and sent it via text message. Melissa was overwhelmed when  receiving it and took some time to respond.

After all, Flip’s effort should pay off, he invested a lot of time and energy to win Melissa's' love. In March 2014 they started their long distance relationship. First between the Netherlands and Lebanon, and 4 years later they moved closer to each other and managed their relationship between France and Belgium. 

Both are in a long distance for 7 years. 

During those 7 years they have been through some tough times. Melissa calls these times 'Milestones' of their relationship. They talk very openly and honestly about the difficult time when Flip had depression, how both of them dealt with it and how this time affected their relationship. Miles apart were separating them, but Melissa found a way to support him. She helped him to learn more about his affliction and knew that she wanted to help him get through it.

Another milestone is their break-up in summer 2019. 

Melissa felt that there was something missing in their relationship. She couldn't handle the distance anymore and felt like something needed to change, without knowing exactly what this could be. She needed some space for herself.  While she withdrew emotionally, she realized that Flip is the one she wants to spend her lifetime with. Even though this time was tough for both, after all, it brought them closer to each other. 

Nowadays, they are a mature couple and know exactly what they want. Closing the distance soon. This is why they decided to move together at the end of 2020. Flip will move to Paris, on a few m². They will share everything but still as individuals as this is very important. 

You can watch the video of their first encounter on Facebook as well as on Instagram! Follow us: 

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