We do have an announcement to make. As our last weeks were quite overwhelming we decided to step back a little. 

Right now we do feel, that we can't give back what we are receiving from you guys. We needed some time to breathe as well.

Especially Nacho is dealing with homesickness and it breaks my heart to see him suffer. As some of you are missing your significant other and are waiting for borders to open and changes of regulations, my husband is dealing with the same feeling. Just somehow in another way cause he is missing his family and friends in Argentina instead. On top of all this Argentina is currently dealing with some major problems - economically and politically the country is far away from being stable.

So how can we pretend and keep on rolling with everything going on right now? - not only in Argentina, in so many other countries as well.

We decided to create some space to finally breathe again.

We love the LDR community, this is why we are going to publish our podcast twice a month instead of weekly - for now until things are calming down bit.

We are deeply sorry and hope you will understand!
