Hello, and welcome to the Internal Comms Pro Webinar. In this series, we’ll be talking with the experts while celebrating the work that makes you an Internal Communicators Pro.

Employee experience is a subject that’s shifted a lot in the past few years. Employee expectations have changed, and while some companies are taking these changes in stride, others are still figuring out what their next step should be. You yourself and your company may fall anywhere on this spectrum. Wondering what your next steps should be?

Today we’re talking with Advita Patel from Calm Edged Rebels and Jonathan Davies from Happeo. We break down the current state of employee experience and the steps you can take in your company to help make it a good one.

If you'd like to view the full episode or get in contact with our guests, you can find all of that information and more at www.internalcommspro.com/blog