Episode 223 of InterBrews was recorded at Holler Brewing with Kathryn and John Holler. InterBrews host Josh Stewart braved falling temperatures, howling winds and blinding rain to record what was to become a podcast for the ages. As you listen to this episode you will be asking yourself many questions including: How do Holler beers […]

The post InterBrews 223: Kathryn and John at Holler Brewing first appeared on InterBrews.

Episode 223 of InterBrews was recorded at Holler Brewing with Kathryn and John Holler. InterBrews host Josh Stewart braved falling temperatures, howling winds and blinding rain to record what was to become a podcast for the ages. As you listen to this episode you will be asking yourself many questions including: How do Holler beers taste so good? How did Houston survive before they were open 7 days a week? Why doesn’t Josh edit more? Is there a limit to Kathryn’s persuasion on beer and food pairings? Who is Nick and where is he now? Why am I not at Holler right this very moment? And many more possibly life shaking subjects. Check out the InterBrews Patreon page for an exclusive bonus segment with John and thanks for listening to InterBrews

The post InterBrews 223: Kathryn and John at Holler Brewing first appeared on InterBrews.