Episode 222 of InterBrews was recorded at Baileson Brewing with founders Sarah Pope and Adam Cryer. On this episode, they and InterBrews host Josh Stewart sat at the bar to drink and talk beer, eat smoked meat, discuss how well or not Braveheart holds up, STP’s best album, koala bear STDs and so much more.

The post InterBrews 222: Sarah and Adam at Baileson Brewing first appeared on InterBrews.

Episode 222 of InterBrews was recorded at Baileson Brewing with founders Sarah Pope and Adam Cryer. On this episode, they and InterBrews host Josh Stewart sat at the bar to drink and talk beer, eat smoked meat, discuss how well or not Braveheart holds up, STP’s best album, koala bear STDs and so much more.

The post InterBrews 222: Sarah and Adam at Baileson Brewing first appeared on InterBrews.