In this golden age of digital, complete personalisation is something to be expected as part of the new customer experience.  In order to succeed you want a digital strategy that works and that means testing the water.  

Welcome to Interactive Minds, where each week digital marketing and business professional Louisa Dahl, shares with you the tangible takeaways and recipes for marketing success. She is joined by a host of passionate marketers, innovators and digital leaders from across the globe. If you want easily digestible marketing tips from the industry’s top leaders, this is the podcast is for you.

In this episode, Louisa deep dives into the world of personalisation with Aris Kinnas, the Director of Digital at Foxtel. Aris is driven by results, and strives to create exceptional consumer experiences that convert. He’s a thought leader with over 17 years’ experience in developing digital strategies to make acquiring customers simpler through innovative digital channels. Aris is a key player in adopting and utilising Adobe Experience Cloud technologies, not only at Foxtel but also in his previous roles at Commbank and Westpac. 

During their insightful conversation, Louisa and Aris look at why personalisation needs to be central to the digital team, how to prioritise the tests you want to conduct, and what an acceptable win rate for personalisation testing is. 


What you can also discover in this episode:


Aris’ background and role at Foxtel Why patience is the key when it comes to user experiences Why you need to be measuring the end goal versus click through  How Foxtel approaches personalised user experiences Jumping at shadows – why you should dig deeper into your data before you react Foxtel’s stellar team and how they have impacted the organisation Should you be watching data on an hourly basis? Storing the data – How to access your past findings  Hitting 150 experiments – what that’s done for Foxtel The future of Foxtel Aris’ recommendations for those embarking on similar projects


Aris Kinnas : Linked In
Aris Kinnas : Email
Foxtel : Website

Louisa Dahl: LinkedIn
Interactive Minds Website

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