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Integrative Thoughts

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My Website: Integrativethoughts.com


Guest: Dr. Tyler Panzner


Dr. Tyler Panzner is a Ph.D. scientist trained in pharmacology, cancer, neuroscience, and inflammation research who has had a lifelong passion for understanding how substances effect the body. While his scientific training spans well over a decade, his passion for genetics and personalized medicine started ~6 years ago and he's pursued his goal of personalizing vitamin, supplement, and lifestyle regimes for each individual. He not only figures out exactly what your unique cells need, but also educates about which vitamins, supplements, and foods will clash with your unique biology. Using this approach he believes that not only daily quality of life improves, but the risk for chronic diseases are greatly reduced. Dr. Panzner firmly believes that one's underlying genetic code dictates what the body needs to THRIVE. He's driven to genetically OPTIMIZE the human experience of life through his Holistic Genetic Health Optimization practice, which has changed the lives over 200 people since opening in July of 2022.

Dr Panzner Website:
