Previous Episode: EP 7 : with TK Hairdoc

[00:01:23] I've had issues with my prostate for quite some time. So elevated levels of PSA and. And then, you know, swollen. And so. Been looking at it in terms of, OK, well, is it is it.

[00:02:49] Well, I think, you know, my other work at the sanctuary is in mental health and and depression, anxiety, addiction, post-traumatic stress disorder, which I've been, you know, exposed to the Western world of managing that for quite some time.

[00:03:13] You know, I think for somebody that gets a diagnosis of cancer, I would say the first thing I would do is don't panic. You know, that that would be the first thing because there's a lot of resources that are out there that might be beyond the traditional scope of chemo and radiation.

[00:04:14] And you found mean exact. I think that's perfect. You know, don't panic, because a lot of people, they feel that they have to make a decision within a few days. 

[00:05:02] I know a natural path there that I that I trust in. And I know that sort of the more naturopathic approach is is much more rooted in the European culture than it is here.

[00:05:57] I just told you not to panic, but it was just an intuitive hit. It wasn't a panic. It was more like no, for some reason, this needs to happen right now. And as soon as I got back, basically then all the borders were closed down. So I. I managed to get right in in time. 

[00:06:34] The doctor and I want to just give credit to the doctor here in the United States, you know, very conservative guy, very edes and talent, you know, very thoughtful.

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