In this episode of the Integral Health Resources Podcast, I discuss the limits of psychological science and the role creativity can play in living the good life. Topics include: An interesting discussion between Sam Harris and Paul Bloom on the drawbacks of empathy The appropriate weight of scientific research in guiding personal behavior and professional …

In this episode of the Integral Health Resources Podcast, I discuss the limits of psychological science and the role creativity can play in living the good life. Topics include:

An interesting discussion between Sam Harris and Paul Bloom on the drawbacks of empathy
The appropriate weight of scientific research in guiding personal behavior and professional practice
The role of creativity in the pursuit of happiness


Most of us give little (if any) weight to scientific research findings when it comes to how we relate to our loved ones (e.g., in the realm of parenting and/or intimate relationships), instead relying on intuitions derived from general life experience. Yet, mental health professionals (e.g., counselors) are implored to rely primarily on scientific research findings when it comes to how we relate to our clients. Perhaps counseling is not fundamentally different from any other type of relating, and thus intuitions from general life experience contribute far more to effective practice than do data derived from scientific studies.

Here are some other media resources that may be helpful/relevant to this discussion:

Sam Harris’s Podcast: A Conversation with Paul Bloom

Blog post: Maria Popova on the creative process