In this episode of the Integral Health Resources Podcast, I discuss the new depression screening guidelines proposed by the The US Preventive Services Task Force, the response to these guidelines by Allen Frances, and the perils of podcast procrastination. Related articles: Depression screening for adults and adolescents has benefits, but don’t ignore the downsides (Debate …

In this episode of the Integral Health Resources Podcast, I discuss the new depression screening guidelines proposed by the The US Preventive Services Task Force, the response to these guidelines by Allen Frances, and the perils of podcast procrastination.

Related articles:

Depression screening for adults and adolescents has benefits, but don’t ignore the downsides

(Debate between Karina Davidson and Allen Frances)

Screen everyone for depression? Good intention, very bad idea (Allen Frances)
New depression screening guidelines outline very helpful, yet achievable goals (Harvard Medical School)
Do Antipsychotics Help or Harm Psychotic Symptoms? (Allen Frances)
Are ‘Psychiatric Disorders’ Brain Diseases? (Phil Hickey)