You won't have to look too hard to find news of a cyber security incident.  They're all over.  Whether it's ransomware, network intrusions, or data breaches, these events are occurring on a more regular basis.
Rather than stand idly by waiting for something like that to happen to his company, our guest today took a proactive approach to data security.
We're joined today by Jon Corrin.  He's the co-founder and CEO of Xilo, a software platform that helps independent insurance agencies move into the digital era.  Their platform enables modernized workflows, online data intake for new insurance customers, and integrations with carrier quoting systems
We begin our conversation discussing how he found his way into insurance, how he's helping independent agencies thrive during the virtual work revolution, and how Technology startups can utilize online insurance platforms to find innovative ways to cover their business risk.
Then we dive into the deep end of Cyber security. Jon walks me through Xilo's data security philosophy, shares tips around how you should be framing cyber security in your business, what steps you should take to gain certification around your security practices, and the risks you face by not putting security top of mind.