Welcome to another edition of Beyond the Policy, I’m your host Andrew Correll

I’m joined today by Stuart Winchester, the founder and CEO of Marble.

Like many aspiring founders, Stuart listened to his fair share of How I Built This episodes before taking the plunge himself. But as a first time founder, Stuart was more captivated by a blog post of how a startup didn’t pan out. That blog post, Reflections on a Failed Startup, was written by Sam Stone in 2019. It chronicles the journey of a startup that enjoys some initial success, but ultimately missed signs of its own down fall.

One aspect that caught Stuart’s attention is the concept of Team Beats Problem Beats Solution and how it informs Marble’s culture and team building today. So much so that the blog post is required reading as part of new team member onboarding.

We dive deeper into how Marble’s culture building is centered around transparency and healthy debate. We also spend some time outlining how listeners can implement their own version of Team beats Problem beats Solution in their own business.

We then wrap up by sharing signs to look out for when your business is not performing well and ways in which you can right the ship.

After the episode is over, check out howyouinsurethat.com for our entire catalog of previous episodes.

Please enjoy my conversation with Stuart Winchester, CEO of Marble!