Welcome to another edition of Beyond the Policy, I’m your host Andrew Correll.

I’m joined today by Megan Bowen, Chief Operating Officer and Chief Customer Officer of Refine Labs.

Y’all, i’m really excited for this conversation. Churn is a huge risk to a startup. It’s not enough to book revenue, you must earn it! Churning customers gets in the way of realizing your full potential.

But it’s also indicative of some deeper issues.

In today’s episode, we’re going to touch on how to determine if you have a churn problem, exercises to better align marketing, sales, and customer success, the 3 keys to solving customer churn, as well as some worst case scenarios when your churn problem goes unchecked.

Spoiler alert! You’re going out of business.

Finally we wrap up by answering my most burning question: are breakup songs really just customer churn songs in disguise?

After the episode, be sure to check out howyouinsurethat.com to catch up on all of our previous editions. Also, if you have any questions about topics discussed in this episode, let’s start a conversation at [email protected]

And now onto the show!