On this episode of Insurance Marketing Brain Dump Podcast, Keagan Henson of BriteBee is at the Insurtech Connect Conference with John Bachmann, regional vice president of business development of insurance, with Social Survey.

1. How to create relationships | 0:40
On a large scale, like a conference, it is impossible to meet everyone. You want to sift through the crowd and meet important people. You want to get these people to come to you, and that can be difficult. One way to do this is video content. Videos allow people to get to know you and create a relationship with you without ever meeting you. This allows them to feel comfortable when seeking you out and starting a conversation with you.

2. Marketing with Social Survey | 2:16
Social Survey is a customer feedback and marketing automation platform. It takes the voice of the customer and develops a great marketing asset. It helps get your story out to the world. It puts your information on Google my Business, Yelp, Better-Business Bureau to use to your benefit.

3. Micro-content | 3:01
Micro-content includes quotes from emails, phone calls, face-to-face conversations from happy customers. Using your satisfied customers to market your business is a great marketing tool. One way to do this is to utilize google reviews. When you have a satisfied customer you want them to leave a good google review so potential customers can see that and feel comfortable with your agency.

4. How Social Survey breaks down barriers | 4:13
A big barrier many people face is name recognition. Social Survey breaks this barrier by being present at local events. If you have a certain niche you are trying to tap into, be present at events for this niche. For example, if you are trying to get into the construction insurance niche, go to events for construction workers. Being able to relate to your customers is also a common barrier. You want people that have felt the pain of your customers. This allows you to connect on a deeper level. Tailoring your message to a specific customer is essential

5. What you could be doing to market yourself | 7:39
One major thing you could be doing is documenting yourself. Don't just create content to create content. You want to create meaningful content. When you document yourself every day, you will get great meaningful content from this. If you are faced with the same questions or problems regularly, write a blog about it or video yourself answering it. Whatever you are doing day-in and day-out is great content.

6. Documenting | 9:23
One way to document yourself, as long as you have permission from your customers, is to record your conversations. You can take a quotation from a satisfied customer and post it to social media. Others will see this and it answers a question they may have. Or it draws business because they see how you work organically. Another thing you should document is your story. Getting your story out into the world draws business. When people read or watch your story it allows them to connect with you on a personal level.

7. What to use when documenting | 11:52
You don't need the latest production equipment to document yourself. The message that you are telling is so much more important than the production value of your content. The tools you already have are the best. Everyone has a phone they can use. Nowadays the iPhone has better technology than most cameras. There are plenty of free tools you can utilize to document yourself.

To learn more about Social Survey, go to their website here:

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