The Summer PD Series has begun! This episode kicks off the new Summer PD series that features a couple of thoughts or tools that will help you innovate your teaching for the next school year. Join us as we talk about Road Trip PD and Evernote during this session!

Instructional Tech Talk Podcast – Summer Professional Development Session #1


Show Notes:

During the Summer months, ITT will be sharing some great tools and tips to get you thinking about instructional best practices when it comes it technology in education. Designed to be a little shorter then the average show (and a little more laid back), the Summer PD Series will give you a thought and a tool to help innovate your classroom or your thinking.

On this Episode:

The idea of Road Trip PD was discussed (based on this article).

The tool Evernote was shared (based on this Weekly Challenge).


As you progress through the summer, be sure to share with me what you're doing to help innovate your educating! @InstTechTalk on Twitter.

As always, talk to you soon!