Welcome back to the Instant Impact podcast with Elyse Archer! On today’s show, Elyse has Charles Specht, a coach at The Permissions Group where he teaches insurance agents how to build a million-dollar book of business. Charles is an expert in helping people stand out against the crowd and rise above the noise in a crowded industry. 


Charles got his start working as a commercial insurance broker in 2000 before eventually shifting to a consultation position. That entailed helped large businesses oversee the agent they brought on. While he was doing this, he noticed how difficult it was for clients to trust their agents. This is when Charles pivoted into helping agents build trust through their planning and branding. 


In his industry, it’s often a price game. To avoid getting caught in the rat-race, Charles talks about how he helps his clients focus on their strengths. This can be anything from their passions to what it is exactly their firm can provide. A key part of this is finding a personal micro-niche. His process of finding that niche includes something he calls “C-3” or “Cold Call Carrot.” This is one statement that separates you from your competition. This statement includes who your work is for, what the rewards are, and how you get the job done. 


Charles also mentions how important it is to know what your client “ceiling” is. As he says, it’s better to go small than to go big. What he means is finding that perfect number of clients you can reasonably service, and build your micro-niche from there. 


By nailing down who you are trying to help and how you can solve problems they may be having, you can establish trust. Charles shares some actionable things we can do to establish that trust quickly. One of those things is showing prospects a timeline of what working with you could look like. By providing, in writing, specific solutions, trust can be built almost instantly. Another way to establish trust with a prospect is to provide testimonials. If you can say, show, and have other people back you up on what you’re an expert in, you’re much more likely to gain that vital trust. 


Finally, Charles and Elyse talk about the fine line of how much we put our personal lives out there on social media for everyone to see. For Charles, authenticity is a great way to build trust. People are attracted to transparency because they are able to relate to you on a human level. 


What you’ll learn in this episode


In today’s episode, Charles shares some surprising tips on how to earn the trust of your prospect or existing clients. He gives us a window into how he helps people establish that trust through Cold Call Carrots, a statement of what puts you above the rest. He offers insight into building your brand on transparency and authenticity while providing excellent service through problem-solving. 




Find Charles on Facebook and LinkedIn: Charles Specht

Request a free Brand Strategy Call: http://thebrandbuildersgroup.com/callelyse