In today’s episode, not only are you going to meet a dear friend of mine but you will also get to hear us work on his business together and get an amazing new course ready to launch. This episode, I’ve got my coaching hat on and together, Dave and I iron out some pain points regarding pricing and we really dig into the nitty gritty of the amazing ideas he’s got. I know that after today’s conversation, we’re both clear on what Dave’s goals are, what products he is passionate about, and the price points for a clear target audience.

Dave Baldwin is one of the most heart-centered and smart people I’ve ever met, and I know you will resonate with him. As a listener of She Sells Radio, for you, it’s not just about the money. It’s about the AND - creating abundance for yourself and your family, while also living out your life’s purpose and serving people in a big way. 

So listen in on what Dave is creating and as we work through any challenges that are coming up to arrive at a really great mapped out plan for him and his course launch.


Show Notes:

[2:21] - Dave describes his business and what his online course will be about.

[4:09] - Start with your why. Dave shares the “why” behind the course launch.

[6:04] - While not everyone is driven to be an entrepreneur and may be better suited for the corporate world, working in alignment is crucial.

[7:50] - Dave begins with ideas on pricing and structure for the course and what tricky parts he’s running into.

[9:41] - Dave outlines his ideas on pricing, offerings, and requirements.

[11:29] - The goal of a six session process is to help a coach overcome unconscious competence.

[12:49] - If you’re launching something new, you must have a checklist of the qualities of your target.

[15:02] - Pricing is all about alignment.

[16:13] - To Elyse, the amount Dave is charging feels low, but it is in alignment for Dave.

[18:48] - Making his courses easily accessible is important.

[20:40] - Elyse brings some components to the table regarding pricing and subscription averages.

[22:20] - What strategic decisions go into pricing?

[24:35] - When pricing, we want to think about value.

[26:37] - Dave shares what he wants to become clearer on with his higher ticket offerings.

[28:12] - Elyse shares her opinion and experience as a coach herself.

[30:22] - There is a viable target audience for what Dave wants to provide.

[31:58] - There are a lot of elements to scaling a business. 

[33:26] - Everything can be learned if you are driven to learn it.

[35:27] - Dave describes the process of his product development.

[37:14] - One personal dilemma that Dave has experienced regarding fully creating course content for a client, is that he wouldn’t want to put in the work and not own it.

[39:17] - If it sounds like something you just absolutely do not want to do or know that it will take your time and energy away, put the idea aside for now.

[41:10] - Elyse shares her current (at the time of recording) pricing on sessions.

[43:08] - If you like what Dave is offering, get in on the ground floor before prices are raised through growth.


Connect with Dave Baldwin:


Escape 8 to 5 Course


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