Today’s Episode of Instant Impact with Elyse Archer features Keir Weimer. Keir’s story is one of redemption, hope, and perseverance. He had no job, no opportunities, he was broke and living at home. Through hard work and genuine introspection, Keir was able to elevate himself out of the hole he found himself in. Keir is now the Founder and President of multiple 7-Figure businesses and an expert at breaking through extreme adversity to achieve greatness. In just five short years, he went from the bottom to consistently being named the #1 sales broker and team at Select Sotheby’s International Realty.


Elyse and Keir discuss how this all started, and Keir mentions that he comes from a place of gratitude. At 24, he was sent away for his involvement in a terrible boating accident. When he returned, he was met with rejection after rejection, every door he worked so hard to open was being shut in his face. For Keir, these denials acted as a major pivot point in his life. As he says, there was a shift in accountability—he took full responsibility for everything that has happened up to this point, and will take the same responsibility for everything to come.


Keir attributes his success to a few different factors—an unrelenting focus on his vision, an unparalleled work ethic, and refusing to allow failure to slow him down.  


Elyse delves into some of the biggest factors that people like Keir have to overcome. Keir mentions overcoming fears, setbacks, self-denial, and external obstacles. He talks about being flexible—the ‘how’, as he calls it, will come eventually. Patience is key. He also suggests writing down your core values and your vision. He asks listeners to meditate on what they want to be remembered for. What is it that will drive you without end? Keir suggests aiming high. He targeted the top of the market and rode out the storm when things weren’t growing quickly, if at all. That perspective, Keir says, is essential. Things could always be worse. We need to divorce ourselves from a negative mentality.


Elyse brings up the point that not running from failure demands a certain amount of respect. Keir agrees, adding that actions speak louder than words. He focused on putting in the work and showing up for the best customer service he could provide. People can turn things around, and Keir is a perfect example of that.


Finally, Elyse asks Keir to name some things that can help listeners build relationships with current or potential clients. There are simple things, like holiday gifts and events that one can offer to help establish a long-lasting relationship with the client, but more importantly, Keir mentions, it is about valuing the relationships we do make. Something that’s often overlooked is the frequency, quality, and form of communication we have with clients. It’s essential to ask questions. How do they prefer to communicate? When? Then listen. Meet people as they want to be met, not how you’d like to meet them. Finally, come from a place of authenticity.


What you’ll learn in this podcast


Today’s episode is all about overcoming failure. Keir offers insight into what it takes to power forward in the face of adversity, how to establish and foster high-end relationships, and how to build a personal brand in a short amount of time. Listener’s get a window into the world of redemption, and how personal branding, whatever form that may come in, is essential to staying true to yourself and cultivating a successful business.