Have you ever thought, "I don't have time for Scripture meditation!  Let's get real here - I don't even have time to sit down, much less think in complete sentences!" Yeah.  Me too.
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So is it really necessary for moms to meditate on God's Word?  How important is it in the overall scheme of things?   Joshua had a massive to-do list
This young successor of Moses had a huge job ahead of him and this is how God said to do it: Be strong and courageous
Go forth and conquer the land (be busy about your work “which I have given you”)
I will be with you We moms are pretty busy too, but you know what?  And, we can do our job by following these commands! We can be strong all day long in Him And we can be courageous that we can conquer.  
What do moms need to conquer?
Our enemies. Who are our enemies? Our own lusts – mainly anger and frustration.  
Why do moms need courage?
We need courage to face the unknowns of child-rearing. Courage to do the hard things (like discipline unwieldly children and reject our own temper flare-ups). Joshua didn’t know everything he’d come up against, that’s why God told him to be strong and courageous.  God know he’d face things that would weaken a human heart! Joshua took God at His word and got busy. We can do the same by putting one step in front of the other.  It make look different every day, but if we’re strong and courageous by incorporating Scripture meditation, we can’t fail – God says we can’t!!  
Is Scripture meditation the secret sauce?
Moms!  This is HUGE!!  We can be busy and yet meditate on God’s Word at the same time. Be strong and courageous.  Meditate on the law every day.  And keep doing your job. Here's a quick video for how you can do simple Scripture meditation from yours truly.  I hope you'll watch - I make some pretty good faces.  ;)  
10 Simple ways busy moms can meditate on God's Word for strength!
  http://www.rearreleaseregroup.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/10-ways-busy-moms-can-meditate-on-the-Word.mp4     As a young mom, I didn’t think I had time to meditate on the Word. I had enough trouble keeping my house clean and clutter-free (the mess stressed me out).  And then there were little mouths to feed, bodies to wash, and laundry to fold. Time to myself was scarce –  the struggle was real to even fit in a shower. Meditating on Scripture didn’t seem that important to me and besides, I didn’t really understand what it even meant. Spoiler Alert: The answer was simpler than I thought.   Click Here to read my parenting post on Arabah Joy called, 10 Ways busy moms can recycle Scripture to meditate on the Word, and go here to grab 10 Verses to cultivate life-giving speech for your mama-tongue! Let's do this, mom - God's gives us all the strength we need!   Only be strong and very courageous, being careful to do according to all the law that Moses my servant commanded you.
Do not turn from it to the right hand or to the left, that you may have good success wherever you go.  
This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it.
For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.  Joshua 1:7-8