The most effective way to build your Instagram following/why slow growth is good (and necessary).  For full show notes, click here.
Can I tell you a secret?  I don’t have 10,000 followers on Instagram.  You may be wondering how I consider myself an authority with under 5,000 followers, and that’s a valid question. However, my client coaching business continues to grow and flourish.  There are two types of people on Instagram.  Stay tuned to learn which camp you’re in now, and which one you should be in!

Instagram Insider Episode 6:  The most effective way to build your Instagram following

Hey there, and welcome to Episode 6 of Instagram Insider Hacks!  Today’s discussion is all about why slow growth on Instagram is good and necessary. There’s a saying that goes, “Trees that are slow to grow bear the best fruit.” And when it comes to Instagram, as with most things, you will find this to be true.


 Engaged followers are the best kind of followers

Engaged followers save, share, and comment on your posts. They look forward to them.  

The conversation continues in the dm.  You build deeper connections.

And the more followers connect with your account, the more Instagram shows it to the world 

You’re sharing encouraging, entertaining, or educational content that brings value


With quick growth come follows/unfollows
Those aren’t your people
They won’t engage with your content


Why you need engaged followers

Algorithm puts you lower

     You’re left at the bottom of the pile with zero engagement

     IG won’t show your stuff to anyone


Slow growth is good and necessary. 

Next, I’m going to share best and worst practices for gaining true fans, but before I do {ding}

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Best practices for gaining true fans:

 Share encouraging, entertaining, or educational content that delivers value - Serve your followers (it’s not about YOU - it’s about THEM)
DON’T post and ghost!
 Speak to the needs of your avatar - age, likes, dislikes, pain points 


Worst practices for gaining true fans:

 Follow for follow threads with no common ground (choose those whose content you’d be happy to share and that delivers value for your fans and compliments your content)
 Follow Trains

Likely you’ve participated in a follow train, and for more info on this check out my IGTV Frozen Episode 1 on Loops and LIkes for likes.  


Good side:

Designed specifically for your niche and you meet some nice folks to collaborate with. Also potential clients.

Smaller follow threads are better and you can connect at a deeper level

These have their place and time - but only a limited place and time because:


 They take up a tremendous amount of time
 Most are there for the quick follow - and then they unfollow

This hurts your engagement

When your engagement dips, 

This gets you frustrated

You decide to back off posting

Because you’re not active, IG penalizes you and doesn’t show your stuff when you decide to post

People aren’t interacting with your stuff because you’re not constant and more unfollow

You quit.

And in a moment, I’m going to give you a pro-tip about unfollowers!

Remember when I referred to the two types of people on Instagram?  The two types of people on Instagram are the speed dialers and the steady pacers.

The speed dialers are there to win.  They follow a bunch of people one day and unfollow the next to see who’ll stick.  They join share threads like they’re going out of style and they drop emojis for comments.