Instagram Insider Episode 2: What’s new on Instagram
Today’s discussion is all about the newest practices on IG and how to implement them!

Click below for shownotes

GO LIVE! Jumpstart Kit

7-Day Instagram Story Challenge {free}

This is the first “What’s new” episode. I want you to know how much appreciate you.  Without your support and encouragement, I would not have this podcast, and that would be sad.  So let’s get ready to have some fun and focus on today’s subject - what’s new on the ‘Gram (or, what's new on Instagram)!

In episode number 1, I shared the story of how I came to be an Instagram authority, plus a tidbit on how to decide where to carve your niche.  If you missed that, please head over after the show!  If you'd like to support the podcast, I invite you to snatch up the GO LIVE! Jumpstart Kit to harness the power of live video, even if you're scared!


What’s new on Instagram during COVID19?
What's New on Instagram Stories:  

Stay Home Sticker

Thanks sticker

Challenge sticker


How to create a challenge:⁣⁣

Select challenge sticker
Swipe left at bottom to see all challenges
@mention friends to take the challenge


These help your engagement and visibility, getting you in front of new accounts!

Music sticker vs quiz sticker

Some Instagrammers don’t have the music sticker.  Some only have the music sticker and no quiz sticker.  Some only have the quiz sticker.  Personally, I think the quiz sticker is the best option because it creates more engagement between you and your followers.

Need Help Learning Stories?

If you don’t know how to do this, take my FREE 7-Day Instagram Story Challenge - it’s fun, easy, and you’ll learn a ton!

What's New on Instagram: More Story Updates
Video or upload a photo - bottom setting - swipe right from “normal” - boomerang - layout - options for 2,3,4, and 6 different photos in one frame.

Draw a line with color dropper - a magical arrow appears

What's new on Live Video
Slides on Live video - How to maintain eye contact and still read quote or verse - make slides - create a color slide!

Live video no longer lives in stories for 24 hours!  (See video below.)  Share to IGTV for more views/longevity.  Have preview graphic ready!

What's new on IGTV
You can Now  use horizontal video as well as portrait mode, brand new grid in search bar, scroll feature, user friendly, can search for creators.  Also you can group a series of episodes together, post straight from IGTV to stories for a 15 second moving frame instead of frozen photo. 


CHROME EXTENSION: IG stories for instagram lets you download live videos that you’d like to save!