Hey y’all and welcome to our podcast all about Instagram content strategy. We’re back to discuss part two of our November series all about the four components that make up a solid Instagram platform. These four things will not and have never changed. And we don’t see them changing any time.  IG changes formats a […]

The post Episode 14: Rate your Instagram content strategy with these proven techniques appeared first on Authentic Online Marketing.

Hey y’all and welcome to our podcast all about Instagram content strategy. We’re back to discuss part two of our November series all about the four components that make up a solid Instagram platform. These four things will not and have never changed. And we don’t see them changing any time. 

IG changes formats a lot! You don’t know where things are, you go in there and ponder what is consistent.  Last week, we talked about the bio and across the board in all forms of social media, you usually have a bio and we likened this to walking in a cafe and your first impressions. The bio is kind of like what you see when you first walk in. It will help you see if you’re in the right place. 

The Instagram bio gives the first impressions and it’s how you connect really with your people.

Your bio sets the tone for your platform and it shows who you are going to follow or not. It shows what you’re there to do for your followers. Your bio isn’t really about you! It’s about how you can help your people as the hook to get them to come in and stay.

*This episode contains either affiliate links or links to my products. Should you choose to purchase, the show will go on! Woo hoo!

Click below for show notes!

Episode 14: Rate your Instagram content strategy with these proven techniques

Wren Robbins


Ruthiegray.mom on Instagram


5 Instagram Updates for your Small Business

Ep. 12: 5 Instagram updates for your small business

Sarah Frazer


Joni Scott


Jane DeLong




Your Instagram Content Strategy

Now, today we’re going to talk about your Instagram content strategy. So when we would go into the cafe and get in line, I would have a four year old on my hip, and then we had the six-year-old and the nine-year-old, and the 11 year old, and they’re all looking at all the different selections and what they want this week.

So, what’s behind the glass in the cafe? What you’re serving is your content. It’s what you’re giving. Now, granted, we were buying the food and your Instagram content strategy should be very closely related to what you are marketing.

What do you have for sale? Affiliate sales? Is it your own product? Or, perhaps you are trying to streamline traffic to a website, blog, podcast? Maybe you are generating funds from that area, but nevertheless, your content needs to be closely branded. You need to be speaking to that person who your bio is about & that your product is about.

So, you want to be giving. For example, think about tangible, snack size foods that basically get them used to your kind of teaching and connection method.  For instance, deliver education within your field. 

Educating Your Audience

Wren Robbins, my friend and podcaster at Friends of a Feather gives little tidbits about how to set up and run a podcast. She also gives hints about that on my own account in the Authentic Online Marketing pod. I am educating my audience on how to use Instagram and believe me, Instagram gives me no lack of material because they’re changing all the time.

Secondly, I’m not affiliated or working for Instagram. I work as an entrepreneur so that is just one of my avenues, one of my streams of income. I coach my clients, but I also give lots of tips.

We talked about this in a couple of episodes ago about the five newest updates on Instagram. You can now practice your Lives. It’s easy to set it all up and practice without actually going Live! You can do that with a friend acting as a guest, even if you have a guest coming on, you could practice together.

I usually try to give tips on feed hacks in Reels, I go live and I give a lot of information in stories. So if you aren’t watching my story.

Be sure to go over there and check it out at @Ruthiegray.mom.

Quality Content + Strategy

Those are really interchangeable. Ruthiegray.mom is my website. So it is important to have a quality Instagram content strategy, not just something that you throw up. You want to really deliver value. Be thinking within your niche and what you are marketing or what you are trying to convey to get your audience to go to.

Also, you’ll want to brainstorm how you can talk about those things and then deliver that. So for instance, I’m going to use one of my clients again. One of my members is Sarah Frazer. Sarah teaches young moms how to simply and easily get in the word every day and she breaks it down well. She has several resources she talks about and encourages moms to do the same.

She also gives little tips within her content about what they can do practically. That’s one way that you can utilize a great Instagram content strategy.

Then, another member of mine, Joni Scott is focusing on prayer. Joni and another member of mine Jane DeLong just did a prayer challenge. When you leverage colleagues and cohorts, your audience grows and it gives you credibility too. That’s just a little aside, but they just finished doing a five day prayer challenge where you are challenged to pray while you’re waiting. For example, you could be waiting in line to check out at the grocery store or waiting at the doctor. It was very helpful for the readers to see, “Hey, I can pray wherever I am.”

Rating Your Content

What you want to do is deliver value and have a quality Instagram content strategy. Use this to guide your quality content rating.

How does your content stand out? If you were to look at your content and rate it from one to five, what kind of rating would you give it? Are you all over the map? Are you posting about your shoes one day then posting about the weather the next day?

A consistent content-creator could talk about how to do afterschool crafts with your kids to keep them busy and educational crafts one day then the next day, it’s more about how to talk to your husband in a kind way. What I’m summing up is the more niched you are, the better off you are and the quicker you’re going to stimulate your growth and gain followers.

If they share it, it works

In the last episode, I referenced Jamie and Chris Bailey of Expedition Marriage. They have amazing content all about marriage. There are so many directions you could take while discussing marriage, but they stay on topic well. Their audience has grown by leaps and bounds in just the last six months.

What they’re delivering works and their content is proven useful with others trying it out and sharing it. When our content really resonates with people, they’ll share it.

You will develop lifelong targeted fans that way. That’s how I built my membership. I started with clients who began sharing with other people. My clients are so committed. 

In conclusion, today’s homework is to look at your content and rate it from one to five, then I’d love for you to come over and send me a DM on Instagram at @Ruthiegray.mom, Authentic Online Marketing pod and let me know, did you get a one, a three, a five? What do you think your content rating is? I’d love to know. If you found value here today. Thanks for listening!

The post Episode 14: Rate your Instagram content strategy with these proven techniques appeared first on Authentic Online Marketing.