Today, I want to highlight my wonderful guest, Kim Stewart, from the Book Marketing Mania podcast, who shared some invaluable secrets on how to make and leverage meaningful connections.

The post Ep. 89: Building Authentic Connections with Kim Stewart appeared first on Authentic Online Marketing.

Today, I want to highlight my wonderful guest, Kim Stewart, from the Book Marketing Mania podcast, who shared some invaluable secrets on building authentic connections.


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Follow Kim Stewart on Instagram @Kimstewinspired

Check out Kim Stewarts’ podcast Book Marketing Mania Podcast

Listen to Ruthie’s interview on Kim Stewarts’ podcast here

Listen to Kent Sander’s Daily Writer Podcast

Check out Ep. 28: Podcast pitching for authors with Kim Stewart

Check out Ep. 88: How to know what your audience wants (and give it to them)

Check out Ep. 34: 5 Steps to experiencing authentic audience growth

In our conversation with Kim, she emphasized the importance of cultivating relationships and the impact it can have on not only our personal growth but also our marketing efforts.

Here’s a few key takeaways:

Embrace authenticity

Don’t underestimate the significance of being genuine in your interactions with others. Building relationships that are rooted in authenticity fosters trust and attracts like-minded individuals to our online community.

Seize opportunities

Kim shared her experience of seizing every opportunity to connect with people. Whether it’s a quick coffee chat, a networking event, or an online conversation, she encourages us to take advantage of these moments and explore potential collaborations or partnerships.

Follow your intuition

Often, Kim gets a strong sense or intuition about certain connections. Trusting her instincts, she acts upon these promptings quickly before they slip away. It’s incredible how these spur-of-the-moment connections can lead to great collaborations and opportunities.

Communication is key

We cannot overemphasize the importance of community. Surrounding yourself with supportive, like-minded individuals can provide the inspiration and motivation needed to grow and expand your reach.

Building authentic connections

Remember, building an engaged online community is much more than just marketing. It’s about forming genuine connections, sharing valuable insights, and uplifting one another. Let’s continue to grow together and make a positive impact in the digital world!

Check out Ruthie’s new book!

Also, a quick reminder that Ruthie’s book, “Emptiness Awakening: Weaving the Threads of Your Passions into Purpose” is launching on Tuesday, October 17. Preorder your copy now to enjoy exclusive bonuses before the big release!

Kim Stewart is a book marketing coach and host of the Book Marketing Mania podcast. She helps Christian nonfiction authors build their platforms and market their books on podcasts. When she’s not strategizing with clients, you’ll find her in Dallas enjoying time with her family, and indulging in coffee, caramel and Friends reruns.



The post Ep. 89: Building Authentic Connections with Kim Stewart appeared first on Authentic Online Marketing.