You need to make sure your website is ready to help you crush your goals for your business. No matter what your goals are for your business you’re likely going to be sending more people to your website to accomplish those goals.

The post Ep. 86: 5 critical website features you must have with Sara Motes appeared first on Authentic Online Marketing.

You need to make sure your website is ready to help you crush your goals for your business with these 5 critical website features. Maybe your goals include getting serious about your blog, or maybe being more consistent with your email list. No matter what your goals are for your business you’re likely going to be sending more people to your website to accomplish those goals.


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Listen to Ep. 38: Generate Instagram revenue by driving traffic to your website with Suzy Goodwin

Let’s get your website ready to go!

1. Update the copyright date

Make sure the copyright date in the footer, which is the very bottom of your website, says the current year. That is the first website feature you need! This needs to be updated every January. The copyright date identifies the content and work on the website as yours. It helps people who want to use or share your work (images, blog posts, podcast quotes, etc) to identify the owner of the content and obtain permission to use your content.

2. Check your links

Click every single link on your website and make sure you have no broken links. Click on everything in the menu, start at the top, work your way down, start at the homepage, and then move on to the next page. If you have links on your blog that go to someone else’s blog posts, or maybe you’re referencing a PDF somewhere, make sure everything links properly.
Not only is this important for your search engine optimization, but it’s also creating a better experience for your user.

3. Content is king

Pay attention to this website feature: don’t rewrite your whole site! Simply read through your site as if you were a first-time visitor. Do you have a clear call to action? Can people understand what service or product you offer within the first 3 seconds of visiting your site? A simple change can go a long way!

4. Check Google Analytics

Google Analytics changed a lot this year. Universal Analytics is no longer supported and now we have to use GA4. Contact your webmaster to make sure that you have GA4 installed on your website. Now you can start gathering the data Analyze your data. Look at your analytics every few months or at least every 6 months. Knowing your analytics will help you make informed decisions for your marketing strategies.

5. Make it easy to sign up for your email list

Your email list sign up form should be in multiple places on your website. Make it as easy as possible for someone to sign up for your email list. Pro tip: embed your email sign up form in the footer of your website.

The post Ep. 86: 5 critical website features you must have with Sara Motes appeared first on Authentic Online Marketing.