While it’s no secret Instagram LOVES to throw us all the curveballs, I do love ahandful of the features they’ve rolled out. Here they are, from Marsha groovyto…well…Farrah’s hair. (And let’s be honest, we all wanted Farrah’s hair, am Iright?) Let’s get started with the top 5 Instagram Features! *This episode contains either affiliate links […]

The post Ep. 67: Top 5 Instagram features for marketers in 2023 appeared first on Authentic Online Marketing.

While it’s no secret Instagram LOVES to throw us all the curveballs, I do love a
handful of the features they’ve rolled out. Here they are, from Marsha groovy
to…well…Farrah’s hair. (And let’s be honest, we all wanted Farrah’s hair, am I
right?) Let’s get started with the top 5 Instagram Features!

*This episode contains either affiliate links or links to my products. Should you choose to purchase, the show will go on! Woo hoo!

Download your free Instagram growth kit here.

Top 5 Instagram Features for Marketers in 2023


Ep. 64: Building A YouTube Channel From Repurposed Content

Ep. 63: Leveraging 2023 Instagram Trends

Ep 58: Tips for Repurposing stories

Pinned Posts

By far, my most “Marsha” type feature, pinned posts make it easier to showcase our recent, best, or time-sensitive content. You may recall we used this feature extensively during our Instagram Story Challenge. Use it like a gallery if you’re taking a break, however, if you’re still hanging out and you’d like to learn more about pinned posts, listen to Episode 53: “What to do with Pinned Posts on Instagram”.

If you’re thinking of taking an Instagram break, listen to Episode 38: “When to take a break from Instagram”.

Even though the Instagram story challenge is over, we’ll host one again in 2023, in the meantime for more Instagram story ideas, listen to Episode 56 for Easy Instagram story ideas.

Stories to Market Workshop: https://ruthiegray.lpages.co/stories-to-market/

Pinned Comments

Accolades of your service, product, book, or podcast go here! People notice that first comment and oftentimes it sets the pace for more positive vibes.

After all, who doesn’t like being featured? It’s a great way to show appreciation for your followers and build your (groovy) community! To pin a comment, simply slide the comment to the left (gently – so you don’t delete it),
and click on the grey pin icon (NOT the delete icon). 

Repurposing Stories to Reels

This feature rolled out right at the end of October which was very convenient for our story challenge participants!  We were able to repurpose many of those 30-day stories into Reels and y’all know I’m all about repurposing!  

Once you post a story, you’ll notice the Reel icon at the bottom.  And as you know, stories are archived after 24 hours, but you can head to your archived stories and still hit that Reels icon to repurpose at any time! Episode 58: 7 tips for repurposing stories, will help you with this, and for further help, worksheets, and a walkthrough of decoding story analytics, you can grab our Stories to Market self-paced Workshop.

Story Links

Still relatively new, this feature by far is the best thing Instagram has done for users in a long while. Many followers may not take the time to tap over to your bio, click the link, and find the certain information they’re looking for (hat tip to creating EASY to-access links).  They’re much more prone to tap into the link in your stories. However, I’ve had great success with story links.  Use them for your podcast, newsletter, events, and products.  

Story and Reels Captions

Most importantly, one of the first things I learned about Instagram videos is that most people don’t watch with the sound on.  Marketers compensated by typing in the text, but then Instagram added the captions sticker in stories which was a huge time saver.  Later, they added caption options to Reels. If you’re not using captions in your
Instagram video, start doing it, so you can maximize your follower traffic.

There you have it, the rundown of my top 5 favorite 2023 Instagram Features. In conclusion, remember that Pinned posts are for showcasing your best work, pinned comments for social proof, repurposing stories to Reels for less headache with the creation process, links in stories for easy access for followers, and video captions for those who keep the sound on mute.

Which one is your favorite?  Or do you have another feature you love?  Head over to my Instagram @authenticonlinemarketingpod and message me with your favorite feature and I’ll add it and tag you in my stories! 

Thanks for listening today, be sure to tap into the show notes so you can take advantage of the episodes and resources I mentioned today, including our Stories to Market Workshop which you can access right away! Until next week, remember to share your unique message your way in your own authentic voice!

The post Ep. 67: Top 5 Instagram features for marketers in 2023 appeared first on Authentic Online Marketing.