Friends, let me give you some encouragement today: there are ways to get your content seen without just using Reels! I know the focus is all about Reels on Instagram and I’ve talked a lot about Reels. You have probable seen that I even have a Reels crash course that shows you shooting my Reels […]

The post Ep. 6: 5 Ways to get your content seen on Instagram appeared first on Authentic Online Marketing.

Friends, let me give you some encouragement today: there are ways to get your content seen without just using Reels! I know the focus is all about Reels on Instagram and I’ve talked a lot about Reels. You have probable seen that I even have a Reels crash course that shows you shooting my Reels and behind the scenes! Of course, I believe you should use Reels. However, I have some encouragement for you. There is more to life than Reels on Instagram!

Speaking of the Reels Crash Course, it’s on sale now for only $27! Check it out at the link below!

Today, I’m sharing five ways to get your content seen. 

*This episode contains either affiliate links or links to my products. Should you choose to purchase, the show will go on! Woo hoo!

Click below for show notes

Ep. 6: 5 Ways to get your content seen on Instagram

Before I share the five ways to get your content seen on Instagram, I just wanted to give you a little pep talk and here it is, keep steady! Keep showing up and delivering value. Don’t talk at your people. Talk with your people, listen to what they’re saying. Listen to the feedback they give on your content.

Invite feedback on your content. That’s a biggie. I think people don’t realize it is really necessary. Social media is a conversation. Stay steady, decide what days you’re going to post and show up on those days and then come back and engage with people. 

Slow & steady wins the race to getting content seen

Remember the story of the Tortoise and the Hare– slow and steady wins the race. Here are some per instances from my own life. I have posts taking off on Pinterest right now that I wrote seven years ago on my blog. When my kids were leaving home.

Those are still taking off. I don’t say that to discourage you, but you have to know that things don’t take off right away. Not usually. I’ve been honing and crafting my blog for 10+ years.

I’ve been building my current business of Instagram coaching for three years. This year, the third year, is when it’s really taken off. After 14 months of podcasting, I’m finally settling into a rhythm. You can’t be the best when you’re just starting out. I want to place a reference here, a quote that I shared on Instagram a few weeks back.

“No one hits the bullseye with the first arrow .” Lady Sybil Crawley from Downton Abbey said this. I don’t know if you’re a fan or not, but it’s so true. You can’t be the best when you’re first starting out, but don’t let that discourage you, even if you’ve been at this awhile and you’re discouraged and we all do that, we’ve all been there, but just hear me out.

Here are five ways to get your content seen and reach your followers. 

5 Ways to get your content seen | Number 1: Feed posts

Number one, feed posts are still important. Whether you’re posting a Reel, a Live, or an IGTV, make sure that you are posting those to the feed. Most people will see your feed posts before anything else, including Stories. You can’t share Stories to your feed, but you can share these other forms of video.

So, we’ll get to stories in a minute, but the feed is where you draw them in. Stories are where you show behind the scenes. Carousels are still hot! With carousels, try keeping people on your page longer by doing a tutorial, step-by-step, or simply a graphic with a few words. On each graphic, you’re kind of drawing the eye along longer.

The more engagement the algorithm sees people are having with your post, the more your content gets seen. 

Number 2: The power of going Live

Number two, Live Video is still powerful. Go Live and deliver value! Teach something. Give a juicy tip,  do a Q&A with your followers or guest star on a friend’s page and borrow each other’s audiences.

You will gain followers almost every time you go Live with a colleague or someone who compliments your content. Try using Live video and repurposing it to the feed. That’s in the form of an IGTV. So it will stay there forever or as long as you want it to camp out on your feed.

Number 3: Repurpose!

This brings me to number three, repurpose your Live to IGTV and let it live there. Another thing you can do to get your content seen is have people come on Live that have used your product or read your emails, your newsletter or whatever it is that you’re getting good feedback on, have them come out on your live and just give a word of testimony and interact — that social proof is gold!

Now, as far as IGTV, aside from Live video, you can teach a short training series of two to four videos two to three minutes long. 

I don’t really think that is advantageous to do long 15 to 20 minute IGTVs. Because, like I keep telling you, this is a YouTube generation. People just don’t stick around for that. But if you can teach something valuable and quick, use it! 

Getting your content seen, Number 4: Use Reels

Fourth, Reels, Reels, Reels! 

 Even if you are getting 1600 views one day on one Reel and 300 the next, that’s still 300 people watching your content! It’s still powerful, but make it valuable and niche specific and targeted and stay within your main message. So you pick up the right followers and not just a bunch of random ones.

I’ll say it again. My Reels crash course is helping others get their message out in valuable ways!

If you’re still tentative about doing Reels and not really knowing what to do, check out that course! It’ll be in my show notes. 

I just want to encourage you because the more you do Reels, the better you get at it. The more ideas you get. So scroll through your Reels feed and see what other people are doing. Use trending video ideas from just watching them and write them down. Then, just take one afternoon or morning and start filming.

 I promise, the more you do it, the easier it gets. We’ve got all the tools you need right inside the Reels Crash Course. That’s all I’m going to say about it!  I do want to say another thing that I have observed recently: if you do Reels back to back, it’s going to be up and down.

It’s not going to be always a high when getting content seen, there are going to be high numbers and low numbers. What I’ve observed is if I let my Reel just lay for a few days, the numbers actually add up. It’s better if I don’t do Reels back to back. If I just do a Reel and then maybe a carousel and then a reel another day, the views seem to be better.

So just test, test, test. Instagram is always changing. The algorithm is always changing. 

Number 5: Stories

This brings us to number five, stories! Do these every day, at least five days a week to get your content seen. Share yourself in your life. If you’ve been following me at on Instagram, you know that my husband and I purchased a home in Florida and it’s our second home.

My husband works in Florida and we own an old block home, and it needs a lot of love. So, we have been fixing it up. My husband is a contractor, and so he’s getting it done. He gets everything done. I call him the guy that does it. I have been sharing the updates. Currently, it’s our kitchen and my audience is invested.

They want to know! Some of them are like, I haven’t seen an update today. What’s going on? What’s the kitchen look like today, is the ceiling back in place? Is everything still torn? I even shared the blueprint for the kitchen and they’re voting on tile and weighing in on flooring. So I’m using engagement stickers like the polls, quizzes and the question boxes, and they’re voting.

The more people you get involved in your stories, the more the algorithm sees that. I always encourage the three E’s: Entertaining, educational, and encouraging. If you need more inspiration on how to do stories, what to do, watch my IGTV video! Also, Episode 37 of season 1 is “How to drive Instagram traffic with stories” which is a super helpful video. 

One more pump before we go, this quote by Orison Swett Martin, “Success is not measured by what you accomplish, but by the opposition you have encountered and the courage with which you have maintained the struggle against overwhelming odds.”

Getting your content seen against the IG odds

Y’all the odds are overwhelmingly against us on Instagram, but we can do this together. You can do it. Remember the five ways to get your content seen! Feed posts, create carousels, repurpose video to your feed post, make your lives, go to IGTV and move IGTV to the feed posts. Make your Reels go to the feed as well as discover page.

Just remember, stay steady, stay true to your message, deliver amazing content value and involve your audience. You’ve got this. Now, if you received value from this podcast, I would love if you’d leave a review! Tap the five stars and just say a couple of lines. We love our audience! We love our reviewers and we see you.

If I know your user account on Instagram, I usually share it and tag you in my stories. So keep those reviews coming. It helps us know that we’re on the right track and we love hearing from you. Stay tuned for next week’s episode featuring Sophie Hudson of Boo Mama! Podcast and author of the book “Stand all the way UP.” You won’t wanna miss it! 

The post Ep. 6: 5 Ways to get your content seen on Instagram appeared first on Authentic Online Marketing.