If there’s one thing I love doing in my business, it’s repurposing Instagram stories. And over the past 3 years I’ve made it my goal to work smart and not hard.  Once you hone your niche, message, and brand voice, this becomes easier!  Why?  Because over time you find you’ve created enough content to repurpose […]

The post Ep. 58: 7 tips for repurposing Instagram stories appeared first on Authentic Online Marketing.

If there’s one thing I love doing in my business, it’s repurposing Instagram stories. And over the past 3 years I’ve made it my goal to work smart and not hard.  Once you hone your niche, message, and brand voice, this becomes easier!  Why?  Because over time you find you’ve created enough content to repurpose so you just need to be smart about how.

We just wrapped up our 30-Day Simply Stories Challenge and I for one learned some things I want to pass on to you!  Now maybe you didn’t do all 30-Days, but if you’re using stories at all and not repurposing, you’re missing out!


*This episode contains either affiliate links or links to my products. Should you choose to purchase, the show will go on! Woo hoo!

Check out Stories to Market

Ep. 67: Top 5 Instagram Features For Marketers In 2023

Ep. 61: Combining Instagram and email marketing in 5 smart ways

Ep. 76: Convert Instagram Followers into Email Subscribers: How It Works

Repurpose Instagram stories

One often overlooked repurposing tip is to repeat yourself!  We think we need to come up with new content when in fact, not everyone sees our content!  Even if people watched your stories for 30 days, I guarantee they missed some, got distracted while watching, didn’t have sound on, or forgot what you said.  Our society is on information overload.  You can say the same thing more than once (and you should!).  What you don’t want to do is say the same thing the same way each time.  This is what’s so great about repurposing stories.  You can break them down into several different pieces of content to last for the rest of 2022!  

Now that we’ve overcome that hurtle (the one that says you have to continually crank out new content), let me break down how to do this effectively.

Go to your archives and view your stories.  There they all are!  Stories disappear after 24 hours but guess what – they’re saved in archives.  Oh boy, do you have tons of content now!  Now we’re cookin’.

Study your analytics

You can do this by going to your profile clicking the 3 horizontal lines at top right,  and insights. Change the days to view last 30 days, and hit “update.” Your stories are shown to your audience for 24 hours, after that, they appear here so you can view insights. You’ll be able to see which stories got the most views and that’s a clue to do more of the same kind!  Remember stories are about cultivating community with your audience.  You can tap into an archived story and discover important data like Profile activity, engagement, shares, replies, and how many non-followers viewed your story. What did people respond to?  Polls?  Graphics?  Quotes?  Video?  What kind of questions did you ask?  What evoked response?  This is the content you want to repurpose.  

 Repurpose into Reels

Of course, this is the obvious choice, because you’ve got 30 days of video!  Click the Reels icon at bottom of your archived story and bam! All the content from that 24-hour story is there.  You can delete frames, shorten video, and even add to it.  30 Days of 3 stories per day equals 90 frames of stories – more if you did more!  

 Repurpose into Graphics – didn’t like how that story looked as a Reel?  Create an info graphic or quote of that content and share it in your feed.  Use the text you added or even expound on that text.

 Repurpose into Captions – select a photo and use your story text as caption fodder.  Instagram loves it when our captions are keyword rich, so make sure to add keywords from your bio and overall message in your captions.  Here’s a tip – the longer your caption, the longer someone stays on your posts to read it, and the algorithm reads that as engagement and will push that post out to more people!

Repurpose into a carousel. A carousel is simply a collection of 2-10 graphics or video in one post. You can do videos, graphics, photos, or mix and match.  Use a combination of points 4 & 5 above to make this an effective post people respond to!  Another engagement tip – when people scroll through your carousel, this also signals the algorithm that they are spending time there.  

Repurpose to other social media platforms – YouTube Shorts are extremely popular if you have a channel or are working on one.  Pinterest idea pins and stories are also working well these days to drive traffic.  Of course, Facebook offers Reels, and Tik Tok is basically dominating on the social media video front.

These are just a few ways repurposing Instagram stories can help and it’s certainly not exhaustive! Using what worked is the most effective way to repurpose content.  To wrap up, first head to archives and view the data, taking notes of what you want to use when repurposing Instagram stories. Break your stories into Reels, graphics, captions, and carousels. And then consider how to share to other platforms using short form video!  By now you should have plenty of ongoing content, plus ideas for even more!

Learn by doing

We learn by doing, and whether you did a week or a whole month of stories, you’ve undoubtedly learned what to do more of, less of, who’s responding to what content, and maybe even a few areas you can improve on.   

Thanks for joining me for the 30-Day Simply Stories Challenge and for this podcast. Until next week, be sure and sign up for the Authentically Repurposed Webinar and… remember to share your unique message your way in your own Authentic voice (in stories)! 

The post Ep. 58: 7 tips for repurposing Instagram stories appeared first on Authentic Online Marketing.