Let’s talk about how you can get followers on your email list. Welcome back y’all! I hope your summer is going well. We are wrapping up August and as you well know if you’ve been listening during this month, we have been covering newsletters, hot and heavy, but we wanna circle back to a question […]

The post Ep. 48: 7 Ways to get followers on your email list appeared first on Authentic Online Marketing.

Let’s talk about how you can get followers on your email list. Welcome back y’all! I hope your summer is going well. We are wrapping up August and as you well know if you’ve been listening during this month, we have been covering newsletters, hot and heavy, but we wanna circle back to a question that I get asked a lot, and that is how do we get new followers on Instagram to come over to our email list?

How do I do that? How do I get them to, because it seems like they’re slow to do that. Well, that is the hard thing about Instagram. Is getting followers to click off the app. It just is. But over time you can drive that traffic to your email list. I’m gonna tell you how today! 


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Listen to Ep. 61: Combining Instagram and email marketing in 5 smart ways

Listen to Ep. 76: Convert Instagram Followers into Email Subscribers: How It Works

Listen to Ep. 75: Email Subscriber Strategies for Authors

Listen to Ep. 57: 5 Tips to boost email reader response

Let’s get right to it. How do you get followers on your email list? Number one, acknowledge their presence. 

1. Acknowledge their presence 

Now this seems like a no brainer, but when you have new followers, you can connect with. many ways. If they start watching your stories, just say hi, say thank you for watching my stories. I’m glad you’re in this space.

What’s your message? Go to their account and leave a comment or two follow them if you want, or like their post. Interact with them and engage with them. Let them know you see them! Followers like to be seen, felt and heard. Number two to get followers on your email list, use engagement stickers in your stories, find a way to DM them. So what does that mean?

2. Use engagement stickers

In your stories, when you use engagement stickers, if they take your polls, click on your slider, or answer a question. There is a comment bubble beside their name. When you look at, who answered your poll, your question, your slide. You can just comment to them and say, I feel the same way.

Incorporating polls

Maybe your poll says, do you like poodles or long haired sharpeis? I don’t know. I don’t know my dogs that well, I’ve I have a history in poodles and pugs the end. So you could say do you have a poodle or a pug? And so let’s say they say pug, and you say me too.

I love pugs. They shed so much hair, but oh, they are so cute and loving. Or, I really like poodles too. They don’t shed hair. True story on that.

3. Promote your email opt-in every 6-9 posts

Number three, promote your email opt in every six to nine posts. Talk about it in stories once a week. This is what I do, and it works. So if you are having a post or Reel, you can say comment below.

If you want my free X, Y, Z to riding a skateboard, comment the word skateboard, and they can do that. Or you can say DM for a copy of last week’s newsletter on six ways to fly a kite.

Then in stories, when you’re talking about your newsletter, you can even scroll down on your desktop, do a video of that, of you doing. Or a screen record of your last newsletter and share that in stories, or just talk about the three points that you gave or one of those points or why it’s important for whatever it was you talked about.

If they want the tip DM the word tip, or just have them ask you for a copy. That’s the thing. If you just make it simple, but keep talking about it and keep circling back to it. You’re going to find that followers will slowly cross over.

It’s a long game get followers on your email list. People wanna stay on Instagram. But if you are developing that follower know like, and trust relationship, they’re gonna come over, but you gotta talk about your newsletter. You have to talk about it. So promo it!

4. Have a clear sign up button in your link in bio.

if your link bio does not include somewhere for someone to join your email list, then you need to add that link.

Or, let’s say you need to revamp. You may use linkt.ree, your own blog links, or you may use Later.com. Whatever you use, your followers need a clear way to opt in. They need a link. So make sure you provide that. Lastly, number five, have an awesome opt in.

5. Have an awesome opt in

You need an opt-in that people want. Whatever your message is, your opt-in needs to be closely related to it.

For instance, here are some examples of my opt-ins get followers on your email list. I have several , but we have a, a quiz. So quizzes are nice for opt-ins. And I can include the link here in the show notes for the software that I use for quizzes, but our Reels personality quiz generates a lot of engagement. Because people wanna know, am I an encourager?

What am I? How can I use reels to tap into that? Because that’s my personality, which by the way, y’all know, we are all about sharing your unique personality. That’s what we wanna do, because that’s how you’re gonna get true followers that transition into email followers.

If you’re talking in your true, authentic. That’s one example is the Reel quiz. Another example is we have an Instagram caption blueprint to help people write better captions.

6. Leave a call to action

A lot of people leave out the call to action in their captions on Instagram. Don’t do that! In your Reels and in your videos always leave a call to action.

If you keep dropping those little breadcrumbs to leaving calls to action on your Instagram, drop a heart emoji, answer this question, watch my stories and in stories, leaving calls to action too, then once you’re ready for them to do the take action on your big ask, which is click your link bio, then they’re gonna do.

Dropping those little calls to action.

Back to the opt-ins, another one we have is the 2022 follower growth kit. We have that right at the top of our blog, authenticonlinemarketing.com. So whatever your message is. They need something that they can grab a hold of.

That’s really going to gain their interest and give them a quick win.

Number one, acknowledge their presence, connect with your followers through comments, stories. Two is engagement stickers and stories which will take you farther and help you to establish a deeper relationship. Number three, promote that email opt in every six to nine posts.

In your stories weekly, number four, have a clear signup button in your link in bio. Number five. Have an awesome opt in! Number 6, always leave a call to action. Even after you do all those things, if people aren’t opting in, then maybe you just simply need to rename it.

7. Opt in to other’s emails

Another tip is to opt into other people’s emails that are in kind of the same niche as yours and see what they offer. 

Look at their titles. Often, your offering is really good, but your title might need tweaked. So if they’re not opting in, maybe tweak your title. If that doesn’t work, then look at your opt-in. Again, I’ve made so many opt-ins down through the years.

It’s not even funny. Once you make more than one, you’ll be able to test and see which one works best. So always be open. I know it’s more content creation, but really you need to be offering whatever it is your followers want. Okay, we’ll talk, we’ll call this a bonus tip.

But always be polling your audience in stories to see their pain points in Instagram stories, poll them for their pain points and see what resonates and then talk about those topics. And then if you’re opt-in, isn’t working create an opt-in around that pain point. Boom. There you go. Instant signups for your email newsletter.

All right. So let’s get going, building that email list. Super important. 

Authentic Online Marketing school is starting soon! First week of September. If you miss the sign up, there will be chance later. So be watching for our next promo for the class and continue following this podcast. Be sure to listen every week, we’re giving little tips on Instagram and email and entrepreneurial mindset.

What is your biggest entrepreneurial hangup? I would love to know once you listen to this, would you slide into my DM on Instagram and just tell me what it is that keeps you from gaining traction with your email list or Instagram? It could be a disbelief in yourself. Is it that you don’t feel like you can?

Or maybe it’s that you feel like you are not really an authority? Do you feel like you’re not qualified enough? You haven’t been doing this long enough? Who am I to tell people what to do? Is it that you lack direction? Possibly you don’t understand which direction you should be going with your business, or you have problems making decisions if that’s the case

I’d love to know. So just send me a DM and let’s talk! Y’all thanks for listening this week and be sure to share your unique message your way in your own authentic voice.

The post Ep. 48: 7 Ways to get followers on your email list appeared first on Authentic Online Marketing.