Ever wonder what in the world to share in your stories? Honestly, stories have always come easy for me (but I’ve been posting them since their inception about 6 years ago). With all the changes on Instagram and focus largely on Reels, followers and clients wonder how to fit in stories and if they’re even […]

The post Ep. 41: What to share in stories appeared first on Authentic Online Marketing.

Ever wonder what in the world to share in your stories? Honestly, stories have always come easy for me (but I’ve been posting them since their inception about 6 years ago). With all the changes on Instagram and focus largely on Reels, followers and clients wonder how to fit in stories and if they’re even worth it.

In today’s clip from a mentorship, Zoom training member Suzanne Joffrion is asking how to best target stories and what to share. Stories are where the DMs come into play. Why are DMs important? Well, I’m getting ahead of myself.  I’ll share more about that later on, but for now, just know that you shouldn’t go blasting people. No one ever responds to DM blasts, in fact, I’ve set filters for that in my settings because I get them too and ain’t nobody got time for that. So what exactly should you share in stories?  Listen in.

*This episode contains either affiliate links or links to my products. Should you choose to purchase, the show will go on! Woo hoo!


Listen to Ep. 82:  Maximizing Your Online Presence: Strategies to Fit Instagram into Your Busy Schedule

Listen to Ep. 72: Grow Your Author Presence On Instagram 

Listen to Ep. 30: 2 Easy ways to repurpose stories to Reels

Follow the links below to view Instagram tips 1-5!






Ep. 41: What to share in stories

Suzanne: I guess I’m a bit confused with stories. What would you say is a good number to post per day? Also, is that more of like your personal life, or is it more business? 

Ruthie: Stories can be both.

Firstly, I think you should always include some of your personal life in your stories. That is where people really get to know you, that’s the behind the scenes. Those are the juicy tidbits. People are nosy. They want to know about the person behind the account! I just took off a week in that was just in the newsletter I sent out.

There is one thing I did do during my break which was to share stories and it wasn’t anything big. It was just snapshots of my mom who was here with me. My daughter, things that we did, the ocean, whatever. I didn’t say a whole lot. I didn’t have a whole lot of text, but I have some invested story watchers.

Not creepers, that’s not what I mean. I just mean there are a lot of people who are interested for two reasons. One, they want to know how I balance business and life. Number two, they’re waiting to see if I’m going to give some Instagram tidbits, which I also do.

Drip out content

I try to drip those out every once in a while, so that people are like, “Ooh, I got to keep watching her stories because I might miss something.” So when something comes out, that’s brand new a lot of times. I will screenshot it and share in stories. So that people know and say, “Hey, you saw here in my story.”

Every once in awhile, I will use that as a call to action in my post, in my feed post, or my Reel, watch my stories for more watch stories for behind the scenes, whatever. Some people overthink stories. I don’t overthink stories, I just do them. Whatever is natural. If I realize I haven’t done a story in a while, I’ll take a random photo.

You know, and then I’ll label stuff or I’ll just, or it’s just a picture, but one thing you want to do for the most part is to try to get your audience, to interact with human stories. Because the more engaged they are, the more Instagram pushes your stories out to people. So just do a poll.

Target pain points

Say if I’m doing my hair, I’m letting my hair go on natural today. Do you have curly hair or straight curly? Straight. That’s a poll. Slap it up there. Because when you start out with those poles, then eventually they, they lead to conversations because you will hit pain points.

Suzanne: Do you all always send your post to your stories? 

Ruthie: Yes,  I always do that. And then sometimes I’ll expand on it. I usually expand on it and at least once a week, I’ll go off on a rant and stories and I’ll talk about something, but it’s usually something that I know people need to know, or that they’re wondering about.

I always hit the captions sticker so that they can read too, because not everybody watches stories with the sound on. It’s it says captions and it will translate for you.

Short answer: don’t overthink it!

Use stories to share your life, behind the scenes, and more importantly just start!  I have several Reels that share simple practices to boost story watchers, so check out our shownotes for those links.

Your biggest fans watch your stories.  And these are the followers that make up your real community.  These are the people you have dms with, conversations that oftentimes lead to conversions.  In fact, almost every client has conversed with me first in stories, BUT those conversations began on neutral ground because I shared my life, behind the scenes, and tips.  

Speaking of tips, here’s a HUGE one for getting people to watch your stories: leave that as a call to action in your feed post or Reel: tell them to watch your stories for more!

Stories are my very favorite form of communication on Instagram of all the modes it provides.  Use this important tool to forge your own community and see what happens!  And as always, be sure to share your unique message, your way in your own authentic voice. 

The post Ep. 41: What to share in stories appeared first on Authentic Online Marketing.