Are you planning an Instagram break this summer? Last week’s part one “when to take an Instagram break” advice was based on what I and others have done successfully so listen in this week for how to come back to Instagram. After you take a break, it’s hard to get the wheels moving again, especially […]

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Are you planning an Instagram break this summer? Last week’s part one “when to take an Instagram break” advice was based on what I and others have done successfully so listen in this week for how to come back to Instagram. After you take a break, it’s hard to get the wheels moving again, especially when the job seems insurmountable.  You can just hear it in Brenda’s voice, that she was already overwhelmed before she ever started to come back to Instagram.  (I just want to clue you in that she DID make her great comeback and hasn’t slowed down since!  Wanna know how she did it?  Today’s second part of our mentorship Zoom call will show you how.  Listen in.

*This episode contains either affiliate links or links to my products. Should you choose to purchase, the show will go on! Woo hoo!


Listen to Ep. 81: Achieving Your Best Yes: Learning to Say No and Prioritize

Listen to Ep. 50: Time management for the Christian entrepreneur

Listen to Ep. 82:  Maximizing Your Online Presence: Strategies to Fit Instagram into Your Busy Schedule

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Ep 39: How to come back to Instagram (after taking a break)

Ruthie: Brenda, tell us where you’re from, what your message is, and what your goal is for Q2. You’ve been sitting out for a season and we are so glad you’re back. 

Brenda: Yes, I just set out for the season and it was good for me in some ways. And then I started really missing it.

Being active on Instagram. I talked to Ruthie one day about it and whatever you said, Ruthie, just gave me the impetus to go ahead and come back to Instagram.  Additionally, I found that my life was a lot better when I was engaging much more on Instagram. I missed all of y’all.

Also, I missed everybody, you know, all my Instagram community. So I think that was a good realization that came out at that time. So now I’m not full force, I’m back to writing some more and so I’m only on Instagram as much I can be. But, it’s really been good to be back. 

Ruthie: So, that day when I met with Brenda, she didn’t expect a pep talk and I didn’t expect to give her one, but that’s what we had there.

I gave her just some practical points for how to get back and what to do.

Look back at what worked last year? What did people like? Go back to that. Just start with that. Start at the top of knowing where’s your funnel?

Where does it start? Is it your podcast? Your blog? Where’s your content, even if you don’t have recent content, go to that content based on what worked before. Say, oh, I have some content written about this specific topic. I see people are liking that and then just drip it out. Take one piece of content and drip it into three posts.

One is a static post. It’s a picture of you, or it’s a picture of a mountain. It’s a picture of a landscape, whatever. And it, and it’s about one thing. Then you take that post because once you start talking and writing, if you’re like me, you have to write it out to know what you’re saying.

Then you’re gaining clarity.

You’re taking from that content, but you’re sort of rewording it and then you’ve got one, two, or three points. You take that and put it in a carousel and then you string people along in that carousel. Then they have to swipe step one, step two, step three, or break down step one. And then you take that, take one piece from that and make it into a Reel.

Then, there is your content for a week. If you have the capacity to post every day, you have the content, and it doesn’t drive you bananas, then post every day. If you don’t have the content for that, or if you don’t have the bandwidth to stay present and post at the same time, then do it three to four times a week.

If you can commit, accountability is the key to come back to Instagram.

Just do something, get it out there. 

In last week’s episode, “When to take a break from Instagram,” I shared how I took my own break after a big launch and while working on my new website.  But something I did that encouraged me to come back to Instagram when it was time, was I committed to accountability. That was through a Reels collaboration with Wren Robbins of the Don’t Wing It Podcast (Wren is also my podcast coach, and is in our Insider Mentorship).  I contacted her and said let’s pull the trigger on this Reels collab we’ve been planning for three weeks.  So we set a day and a time and we did it, and that propelled me back into my regular posting schedule.

You can do this too.  It’s a whole lot easier to be consistent on Instagram when you commit to a group.  That’s what got Brenda back in the game – she missed her cohorts, the commitment and the shared community.  Community is something I teach, foster, and grow in my trainings.  

If you’re looking for community accountability but you’re just starting out on Instagram, understand basic tech but are struggling with posting and need input on your bio, content, follower growth, and growing an email list, we’re putting the finishing touches on our relaunch of the Authentic Online Marketing School. Brenda other members were a part of this, and you can apply to be notified when it goes live! You’ll also immediately get our brand new Reels Creation Formula training, so you can start creating Reels in a way that fits your own personality instead of using a cookie cutter, 1, 2, 3, step format. 

This is where real community accountability starts. 

This is where I teach and foster my community marketing framework and where students learn how to lean into and grow their OWN community for their platform.

You really can take a break from Instagram (and you should) but you really can get unstuck and come back to Instagram just as easily.  Thanks for listening, check out that waitlist, and be sure to share your unique message your way in your own authentic voice.

The post Ep 39: How to come back to Instagram (after taking a break) appeared first on Authentic Online Marketing.