Want to know how to really experience audience growth? Try following these 5 simple steps below! There are two kinds of community – colleagues and followers. You can’t have a strong one without the other.  *This episode contains either affiliate links or links to my products. Should you choose to purchase, the show will go […]

The post Ep. 34: 5 Steps to experiencing authentic audience growth appeared first on Authentic Online Marketing.

Want to know how to really experience audience growth? Try following these 5 simple steps below! There are two kinds of community – colleagues and followers. You can’t have a strong one without the other. 

*This episode contains either affiliate links or links to my products. Should you choose to purchase, the show will go on! Woo hoo!

Click below for show notes!

Ep. 34: 5 Steps to experiencing authentic audience growth

5 Steps to Audience Growth

Nail down your avatar.  Get clear.  Hang out where they do.  Be YOUnique.  

Do NOT participate in follow for follow (We talk about the dangers of this in Ep 33!). Find your like-minded people, like in the Authentic Instagram Engagement group.

Value comments 15 minutes before posting and hang out, answer your comments, follow people in here in your target and colleagues. That interaction is where you really see the audience growth begin in a tangible way. Share threads of value! 

…and mix up content and deliver value! Remember the 3 E’s of audience growth: Educating, Entertaining, Encouraging

4. POST regularly and consistently
Get a scheduler and get accountable! The Authentic Instagram Engagement group will certainly help, but my Insider Intensive is about to open up. That is where you will REALLY see your analytics soar.

5. CRAFT a killer bio
It’s not all about boosting your product, Facebook is more the platform for doing only that. On Instagram, you really need to be focusing in on crafting a bio that sets you apart. Your bio should be a place where others can see you are a real person and someone they can trust! Develop that “know, like, and trust” factor before you really sell on your products.

The post Ep. 34: 5 Steps to experiencing authentic audience growth appeared first on Authentic Online Marketing.