Let’s talk Reels ideas. Last week’s episode featured ideas for using your brand personality to develop your voice with Reels, and also suggestions for how to get on and off the app without it taking up all your time.  This was taken from a Live I did earlier in the year, and we decided to […]

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Let’s talk Reels ideas. Last week’s episode featured ideas for using your brand personality to develop your voice with Reels, and also suggestions for how to get on and off the app without it taking up all your time.  This was taken from a Live I did earlier in the year, and we decided to take the second part of that live to share the Reels ideas Q&A we held afterwards and the suggestions I gave our participants.

In todays episode we’re covering questions like how to use trending audio with voiceovers, product education, how to tailor Reels to your personality especially if you’re an encourager or more serious person, and more. You can use these Reels ideas for your personality, and by the way, we have a Reels Personality Quiz you can take that we’ll leave in the shownotes so you can find out which type you are AND get suggestions for tailor making those Reels to your personality!  And now, listen in!

*This episode contains either affiliate links or links to my products. Should you choose to purchase, the show will go on! Woo hoo!


Check out the Reels Personality Quiz!

Listen to Ep. 36: How to do a group Reels Collaboration

Listen to Ep. 30: 2 Easy ways to repurpose stories to Reels

Listen to Ep. 63: Leveraging 2023 Instagram Trends

Listen to Ep. 67: Top 5 Instagram Features For Marketers In 2023

Creating Original Content

Suzanne asks, what’s a good idea for original content for me? Suzanne sells hair products specifically for women in midlife. They help thicken your hair and make it look better. Suzanne, as far as Reels ideas for you, I would like to see you do some behind the scenes of what you do with your hair of the different products that you use and how to use them on your hair. But I’d also like to see you in a different setting. Besides the normal ones that you continue to do.

So you guys should check out Suzanne’s Reels, but I’d like to see something different! Maybe you just give tips on how you get ready for your day and how you do the things you do for your hair like pre-tips before you even put the product on or how you sleep at night with them. I hope that helps.

Long Form Video

How long is long form video, Suzanne asks. I would say long form videos are anything beyond seven minutes, honestly. So here’s the thing. A lot of people like just quick viewing. Some Reels do well and they’re only 40 seconds long!

We do live in a generation that likes things quick; they like quick tips, but we also live in a generation that likes YouTube. Try thinking about it this way. How long do you watch YouTube videos? Personally, I watch YouTube videos that are only seven minutes long or less. I won’t go beyond that unless I really have to fix something. So experiment with long and short.

Reels Ideas: Get a Plan

Short form is definitely in, especially Reels. You can do Reels up to 60 seconds. I think that’s too long for a Reel, I think you lose people’s attention. But you have to test your audience. What is your audience like?

Start posting consistently.

Seven minutes is a good limit to tell your video story. However, three minutes is long enough for video. Someone asks, I struggle with coming up with Reels ideas because my message seems more serious. I’m more of a teacher. What are some Reels ideas? The first idea I have for you, Suzanne, is have you taken my Reels personality quiz?

There are three types of people. One is the entertainer. That’s the obvious one. One is the educator and one is the encourager. Visit the personality quiz via the show notes!

After you complete the quiz, you’ll receive 40 Reels ideas. They’re listed right off the bat that will get your brain going. If I don’t see examples or suggestions from people it’s hard for me to think of ideas.

It really helps to have those kinds of Reels ideas. If you’re an encourager, you can encourage with Reels. One of the biggest tips that I could give you is if you would do a Reel of some pretty scenery outside and do a voiceover from a clip in your podcast. That will do two things. Number one, that will help establish you in the Reels algorithm. Number two,

The post Ep. 27: Reels ideas: Trending sounds, voiceovers, and tips for any personality appeared first on Authentic Online Marketing.