Today’s episode is all about honing in on your posting strategy! We’ll share 10 simple tricks to get you niched down, engaged, and driving traffic. If you run a small business and are stuck on how to market yourself, this is just the episode for you! *This episode contains either affiliate links or links to […]

The post Ep. 17: 10 Essential posting strategy tips for maximum reach appeared first on Authentic Online Marketing.

Today’s episode is all about honing in on your posting strategy! We’ll share 10 simple tricks to get you niched down, engaged, and driving traffic. If you run a small business and are stuck on how to market yourself, this is just the episode for you!

*This episode contains either affiliate links or links to my products. Should you choose to purchase, the show will go on! Woo hoo!

Click below for show notes!

Jamie Bailey of Expedition Marriage

Suzy Goodwin of Run, Lift, Mom

1. Decide on days and times and be consistent (scheduler)

Incorporate a scheduler! Choosing your days and times to post is one of the most simple but game changing posting strategies on Instagram. A scheduler like can help take the guesswork out of it. It took me a while to figure out what days and times to post and what days and what times not to post.  But I will tell you that Instagram’s algorithm will keep track of when you post, which makes it so important to post regularly for your ideal audience.

2. Show personality in captions

Someone who does this so well is Suzy Goodwin from run lift mom pod! Suzy does a fantastic job of articulating her brand voice throughout her post captions. I recently had her on the podcast – Episode 38; Generate Instagram revenue by driving traffic to your website. Check that out for some great traffic-driving hacks. One thing that you’ll want to keep in mind as you’re plotting your posting strategy is to not have too many long captions. Mix it up! Don’t write a book every time. However, it is good to experiment with longer captions sometimes to keep people on your posts longer.

3. Rotate categories

You should have 5-7 categories to draw from whilst posting so you’re not always talking about the same thing every time. Your audience may come to you for a specific need, but sometimes they just want to be surprised! Keep that brand consistency but make sure you’re offering some category variation as well.

4. Intentional Images

Choose one style of template for your infographics or non-photo/designed posts. Canva helps immensely with this! You could also choose 2-3 main fonts and stick with only them. Choose brand colors wisely too. Jamie Bailey of Expedition Marriage does this well with her eye-catching colors and consistent but exciting feed.

5. Engage twice as much as you post!

This is a BIG one. You want to turn around your engagement, so you’ve got to put in that effort. I promise it’s worth it! You need more audience traffic in order to get them on your link in bio and your site. In order to do that, you need more engagement. Making sure you are spending twice as much time on the app engaging as you are outputting will help your brand grow.

6. Use Carousels

Carousels are useful because sometimes folks come to Instagram to scroll. Having a swipe-through carousel post (especially if you use all 10 slides!) will help your audience stay engaged with your content longer. I suggest putting a shorter caption for carousel posts, since there’s already a good bit of content there. The algorithm sees the success of Carousels and that kind of pushes your posts out there.

7. Use Reels

Reels are STILL hot, and as we know, video is only growing. Make sure your Reels stay light and entertaining. Showcase your true personality here!

8. Use all forms of video – short and long form.

Like I said, video is taking over social media, slowly but surely! Make sure you’re implementing all video avenues on IG. This means filling up your Instagram Video tab on your profile so you fulfill the needs of a wider percentage of users– those who prefer long form as well as those who like more bite-sized content.

9. CTA every time

If your posts don’t include CTA’s, get on that STAT! CTA’s (Call to Action) do not have to be overwhelming or too over-thought.

Simply ask your audience to share their thoughts on whatever subject you post about and keep it light! Invite them to drop an emoji, offer a “true or false” question, just make sure your prompt is simple enough for your audience to interact with it using minimum energy.

10. Hashtags

Last but not least, hashtags are STILL important! Although we are seeing a rise in posts without hashtags, they’re still a great way to get your brand on the feeds of new folks. With hashtags, quality over quantity is key. Even if you only use 3-5 in your post, make them specific enough to target your ideal customer but broad enough that your concept can be discovered over a wide range of users. You’ve got this!

Thanks for listening, and go have fun utilizing these 10 simple hacks to maximizing your posting strategy!

The post Ep. 17: 10 Essential posting strategy tips for maximum reach appeared first on Authentic Online Marketing.