5 Instagram Updates For Your Small Business Let’s talk Instagram Updates! Inside my authentic social marketing Membership, members get debriefed on the latest Instagram trends and what to do next.  We hold discussions on the latest trends as soon as they become relevant. Over the past month, we broke from podcast recording to guest-star on […]

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5 Instagram Updates For Your Small Business

Let’s talk Instagram Updates! Inside my authentic social marketing Membership, members get debriefed on the latest Instagram trends and what to do next.  We hold discussions on the latest trends as soon as they become relevant. Over the past month, we broke from podcast recording to guest-star on several podcasts, including the My Side of 50 Podcast with Cathy Lawdanski, all about caregiving and the midlife pivot! 

This episode is a conversation snippet from one of our recent meetings and is a great brand booster that can help take the grunt work off figuring out IG’s ever-changing algorithmic and social framework. 

*This episode contains either affiliate links or links to my products. Should you choose to purchase, the show will go on! Woo hoo!

Click below for show notes!

Ep. 12: 5 Instagram updates for your small business

First, let’s discuss the changes Instagram has made to their video avenues. 

Instagram Video

All feed videos including IGTV, Instagram Live, video posts, everything besides Reels are now stored under a new “Instagram Video” tab found on your profile. These items will still be viewable in the feed, but separate from Reels on profile. You’ll also now be able to schedule your Live sessions 90 days ahead and post reminders via story stickers and sign ups! 

What this means…

You are not losing IGTV, Live, or any of those things, but the rebrand of Instagram Updates will implicate there will be no more “IGTV” as it is named. However, you are still able to record long-form videos up to 60 minutes long with editing options! This means although IGTV isn’t currently called IGTV anymore, Instagram Video is still giving you the same benefits. The new profile tab also means your videos are more easily found, so take advantage of that!

Algorithm Updates

For the second of the major Instagram updates, we wanted our members to know that although there are a lot of video updates happening, this doesn’t mean videos are going anywhere. In fact, they are considered the future of social media apps, so make sure you are taking time to record and post anywhere between 1 and 3 videos a week (more if you have the bandwidth!). The update shows us that it’s always worth your time to post a video, no matter how simple or complex. 

We can also see that Instagram is categorizing videos based on length. Since all long form videos are bussed into the Instagram Video category and Reels will have their own tab, we can see that IG is trying to ensure all users have a place to be entertained whether they want to stay on the app for awhile taking in the long form content or be briefly entertained by Reels. 


Transparency Tools 

Lastly, Instagram will be offering new and improved transparency tools such as notifying users of technical issues WITHIN the app. Remember the great IG / Facebook / WhatsApp blackout of 2021? This is exactly the type of situation this update is for. 

With all the Facebook-owned socials down, users took to Twitter and TikTok to figure out what was going on. Some even downloaded those apps for the first time during the blackout. The in-app transparency notification update ensures users don’t need to head to another social media app to find out what’s going on, which is a win-win for both parties. 

Now I have two more new Instagram updates that have just popped up within the past week, so while we’re taping, I wanted to share them with you!

Live Practice 

You can now practice taping lives without actually going on air!  This allows you to familiarize yourself with the software, set it up, and practice your presentation. You can even do it with your guest! Once you’re ready, you can change the audience to public and get down to business!

Link Sticker in Stories

This just in via October 27, 2021: All accounts will be able to share links in stories through a new LINK sticker!!!  WHATTTT?!  This is HUGE, y’all!

Your business game just jumped exponentially!  But before you go posting all of the affiliate links, keep in mind the long game.  Develop the know, like, trust factor before blasting everyone.  If you run across an article that would help your audience but you have zero skin in the game, USE IT! 

Additionally, if you have a colleague that compliments your message, share her link.  If you have a podcast or blog post that may resonate, by all means, use that too.  But keep in mind the goal is always to deliver value and that means treat your followers with the respect they are due.  

So there you have it, folks.  Firstly, video is being streamlined, and this actually makes it easier for you to curate different forms of video content.  Second, Instagram is categorizing videos based on length, and all forms of videos are boosted, so go make some videos!  Thirdly, In-app transparency should help when Facebook and IG go down.  

I’m excited to see where they go with this and if they indeed keep their word.  We’ll see. This is yet another reason why you need an email list – for when social media goes wonky!  Speaking of which, I have something special coming up you’ll want to keep your eyes peeled for because it’s going to help solve your email writing dilemma.  That’s a tease, y’all.  Stay tuned for my Black Friday announcement!  

The post Ep. 12: 5 Instagram updates for your small business appeared first on Authentic Online Marketing.