"Great leaders are great learners"

Franklin Morais is a Certified Professional Coach with Teamcoach International, and a Mastery Practitioner with the International Association of Coaching. He is also a Certified Facilitator with Finnish Education Evaluation Center credentials (FINEEC). He is a member of the International Association of Facilitators and resides in Kuala Lumpur.

On this episode of Inspiring Leaders, Franklin walks us through the magic of facilitation, including the why's and how's of successful facilitation that brings out the best in others.

Franklin serves on the Executive Committee of the Malaysian Association of Facilitators. He is considered by many to be one of the most effective facilitators in the World. When not coaching or facilitating, Franklin enjoys facilitating education in the fields of Counselling and Organizational Behaviour with a local private university and college. Before venturing into Coaching, Facilitation, and academia, Franklin worked in the Information Technology sector for Fortune 500 Companies like NCR and Unisys. He also had a stint with non-profit organizations in leadership positions.

In the university, Franklin taught Leadership at both undergraduate, and postgraduate levels. Whilst at the university, he was also called upon to conduct numerous seminars, workshops and training programs for students, teachers, and employees in both the private and government sectors on Leadership, Emotional Intelligence, Teambuilding, and other soft skills areas.

Franklin Morais on LinkedIn http://linkedin.com/in/franklin-morais-4a839477
Franklin Morais on Twitter https://twitter.com/fjcrm
Franklin Morais' Teamcoach Website
Franklin Morais' Email [email protected]
International Association of Coaching www.certifiedcoach.org
International Association of Facilitators https://www.iaf-world.org/site/

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