Allan Brown and his wife are “Digital Nomads”. They are constantly on the go, travelling the globe and living in different countries. Together, they founded Compasio in 2006 to facilitate a vision of loving, protecting and empowering some of the world’s most vulnerable people. Allan's vision is to see Compasio doing what it does in a very thought-out and effective way, and he is delivering on that vision in a very real way.

“While a good heart is a good start, great ideas with not well thought out plans can create damage”

Allan also has a particular passion for helping families in crisis stay together and empowering nationals to lead the charge. After 13 years of field work in Myanmar, Burma and Thailand, he and his family have re-located to Mexico with hopes of expanding Compasio's work into Latin America.

“We have to start thinking about how we can bring about the greatest amount of impact in a sustainable way”

Allan loves to change things for the better. He's a strategic problem solver. His entrepreneurial tendencies began in the high-tech world as a consultant and business owner followed by a life-changing move into international development. He speaks three languages comfortably and has over 15 years experience working with and building cross-cultural teams. He is passionate about seeing development done in a sustainable, healthy and empowering way. That is why Allan is re-imagining Compasio 2.0 as a global community that connects the knowledge gaps for people in disadvantaged countries around the world. With new thinking and renewed passion, Allan Brown is making this big ball called Earth a better place, and we can all help and learn from his dream.

“Ask yourself: What is it that I am doing that I could be doing better”

If you or your organization want to be more thoughtful about leading change, or if you want to join Allan’s cause in making this world a better place, don’t miss the great perspectives and best practices that Allan Brown describes on this week’s episode of Inspiring Leaders. Tune in right now!


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