It’s safe to say that an Arrogant Boss is someone who wants to take control and lead through a display of superiority and overbearing. This is the opposite of authentic leadership, where people are willing to follow you. People only follow Arrogant Leaders because they feel that they need to.

Arrogance can arise with people who are promoted into positions of authority based on their technical skill and expertise, but these people either lack the skills to earn respect using effective people skills, like listening, patience and concern for the well-being of others.

It’s unfortunate because an Arrogant Boss can really demoralize their team. And unlike many of the other Intolerable Bosses that we’ve exposed on this show previously, this one doesn’t single out just a few people on their team like the Favouritism Boss or Fear Monger. An Arrogant Boss almost always leaves a huge wake of devastation behind them. leaving everyone feeling like they are undervalued and disrespected. An Arrogant Boss is a Culture Killer for sure.

5 Tips To Survive An Arrogant Boss:

1. Know you are under the microscope and get a thick skin.
2. Get to know your Corporate Culture
3. File a Group Complaint
4. File an Individual Complaint
5. Get out.

Want all the details for each specific tip? Tune into the show to hear all the advice that’s fit to save your skin!

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