My guest today is Carol Bowser, J.D. is a workplace conflict expert. After practicing Employment Law for several years, Carol founded Conflict Management Strategies when she realized a lawsuit couldn’t deliver the level of resolution and satisfaction that is gained when people are actively involved in creating solutions to their workplace conflict.

Carol’s clients come from a wide range of employers because conflict is universal across all industries and types of organizations. Where there are people, there is conflict. The key is to help people recognize and address conflict before it damages working relationships and creates organizational drag.

 In her over 20 years of experience, she has discovered some universal themes about workplace conflict and loves to share how people at all levels can strengthen their conflict resolution muscles.

Here are the things to expect in the episode:

What is the root cause of workplace conflict? What are ways in which leaders can effectively communicate and resolve conflict? How can leaders identify conflict in the workplace? Why are expectations important in the workplace?  How can leaders build trust and respect?

Connect with Carol Bowser!





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Mary's book is available on Amazon or wherever books are sold:  Love Your Board! The Executive Directors’ Guide to Discovering the Sources of Nonprofit Board Troubles and What to Do About Them.

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