My guest for this episode is Kimmi Cantrell. Kimmi is an unrelenting optimist who is passionate about bringing love and light to the workplace. As Managing Director of Careers In Nonprofits for the last 6 years, she spends her days connecting with nonprofit decision-makers and job seekers, aiding both in finding solutions to their problems. Through her conversations with her team and those she serves, it has become clear that one of the biggest hurdles people face is remaining resilient in the face of obstacles.

Kimmi has made it her mission to educate and empower individuals to build their personal and professional resilience capacity by sharing guidance, support, and tools for growth. Helping nonprofits grow their team and job seekers grow their careers is her passion and purpose. 

Here’s what to expect during the episode:

What is the impact of the pandemic on nonprofit organizations? How can you address the generational workforce challenges in the nonprofit workplace? How do you prepare Millenials to step into leadership positions? Why should you improve the hiring system in an organization? How can you help an employee to perform better? What are the effective ways to increase employee loyalty in the organization?

Connect with Kimmi Cantrell!


Go to: to get your free: Trust Building Action Plan.

Mary's book is available on Amazon or wherever books are sold: Love Your Board! The Executive Directors’ Guide to Discovering the Sources of Nonprofit Board Troubles and What to Do About Them.

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